# Kanji in Context Lesson 055 : 760-769 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 翻訳 [ほんやく] /translate/ 翻案 [ほんあん] /adaprtation (from a play, novel, etc.)/ 翻意 [ほんい] /change one's mind/ 翻す [ひるがえす] /turn aside or around quickly, change (one's mind)/ 翻る [ひるがえる] /flutter/ 通訳 [つうやく] /interpreter; interpret/ 訳 [] /translation/ 英訳 [えいやく] /English translation; translate into English/ 和訳 [わやく] /Japanese translation; translate into Japanese/ 訳者 [やくしゃ] /translator/ 訳す [やくす] /translate/ 訳 [わけ] /reason/ 言い訳 [いいわけ] /excuse/ 申し訳 [もうしわけ] /apology/ 申し訳ない [もうしわけない] /be very sorry, apologize for/ 尺度 [しゃくど] /measure/ 尺 [しゃく] /shaku (unit of length, appox. 30.3 cm)/ 解釈 [かいしゃく] /interpretation; interpret/ 注釈 [ちゅうしゃく] /annotation, commentary; annotate, comment/ 釈明 [しゃくめい] /apologize/ 釈放 [しゃくほう] /release (a suspect, etc.)/ 保釈 [ほしゃく] /release on bail/ 選択 [せんたく] /select, choose/ 選択科目 [せんたくかもく] /elective (subject)/ 二者択一 [にしゃたくいつ] /either-or alternative/ 採択 [さいたく] /adopt (a bill, act, etc.)/ 描写 [びょうしゃ] /describe/ 心理描写 [しんりびょうしゃ] /psychological description/ 描く [えがく] /describe, draw, paint, sketch/ 拝見 [はいけん] /see, have a look at (humble)/ 参拝 [さんぱい] /go and worship (at a shrine or temple)/ 参拝者 [さんぱいしゃ] /visitor (to a shrine or temple)/ 礼拝 [れいはい] /church services; worship/ 拝啓 [はいけい] /Dear Sir or Madam (opening word for letters)/ 拝む [おがむ] /pray, venerate, implore/ 提案 [ていあん] /propose/ 提出 [ていしゅつ] /present, submit/ 前提 [ぜんてい] /presupposition/ 提供 [ていきょう] /offer, supply/ 提げる [さげる] /carry in one's hand/ 拡大 [かくだい] /expand, magnify/ 拡散 [かくさん] /diffuse/ 拡声器 [かくせいき] /loudspeaker/ 拡張 [かくちょう] /extend, expand/ 拡充 [かくじゅう] /expand, enlarge, amplify/ 抜群の [ばつぐんの] /outstanding/ 選抜 [せんばつ] /select, pick out/ 抜く [ぬく] /pull out, surpass/ # end