# Kanji in Context Lesson 057 : 780-790 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 自衛隊 [じえいたい] /the Self-Defense Forces (of Japan)/ 衛星 [えいせい] /satellite/ 衛生 [えいせい] /hygiene, sanitation/ 防衛 [ぼうえい] /defend/ 防衛庁 [ぼうえいちょう] /the Defense Agency (of Japan)/ 国防省 [こくぼうしょう] /the Department of Defense/ 国防総省 [こくぼうそうしょう] /the Department of Defense (of the U.S.)/ 防止 [ぼうし] /prevent, hold in check/ 予防 [よぼう] /prevent, hold in check/ 消防車 [しょうぼうしゃ] /fire engine/ 防火訓練 [ぼうかくくんれん] /fire prevention drill/ 防ぐ [ふせぐ] /prevent/ お坊さん [おぼうさん] /Buddhist priest/ 坊主 [ぼうず] /Buddhist priest, shaved head, boy/ 赤ん坊 [あかんぼう] /baby/ 坊や [ぼうや] /(your, his, her) son, boy (honorific)/ 朝寝坊 [あさねぼう] /late riser; oversleep/ 訪問 [ほうもん] /visit/ 訪米 [ほうべい] /visit the U.S./ 訪ねる [たずねる] /visit/ 訪れる [おとずれる] /visit (a place)/ 妨害 [ぼうがい] /interfere, interrupt/ 妨げる [さまたげる] /interfere/ 公害 [こうがい] /environmental pollution/ 水害 [すいがい] /flood, flood damage/ 損害 [そんがい] /damage/ 利害 [りがい] /interest/ 被害 [ひがい] /damage/ 割る [わる] /divide, break (a glass, egg, etc.)/ 割合 [わりあい] /ratio/ 割引 [わりびき] /discount/ 二割引き [にわりびき] /20-percent discount/ 時間割 [じかんわり] /class schedule/ 役割 [やくわり] /role/ 割り算 [わりざん] /division (in mathematics)/ 分割 [ぶんかつ] /divide/ 割く [さく] /spare (time, money, etc.) for someone or something/ 憲法 [けんぽう] /constitution/ 憲法改正 [けんぽうかいせい] /revision of the constitution/ 改憲 [かいけん] /revision of the constitution/ 違憲 [いけん] /unconstitutional/ 立憲政治 [りっけんせいじ] /constitutional government/ 立憲君主制 [りっけんくんしゅせい] /constitutional monarchy/ 毒 [どく] /poison/ 中毒 [ちゅうどく] /poiosning/ 食中毒 [しょくちゅうどく] /food poisoning/ 消毒 [しょうどく] /disinfect/ 有毒な [ゆうどくな] /poisonous/ 気の毒な [きのどくな] /pitiable, unfortunate/ 危ない [あぶない] /dangerous/ 危険な [きけんな] /dangerous/ 危機 [きき] /crisis/ 石油危機 [せきゆきき] /oil crisis, oil shock/ 危害 [きがい] /harm/ 危急の [ききゅうの] /urgent/ 危惧 [きぐ] /worry/ 危うい [あやうい] /dangerous/ 危ぶむ [あやぶむ] /doubt (the success of)/ 危険な [きけんな] /dangerous/ 保険 [ほけん] /insurance/ 険悪な [けんあくな] /hostile/ 陰険な [いんけんな] /treacherous, underhanded/ 険しい [けわしい] /steep, stern/ # end