# Kanji in Context Lesson 058 : 791-802 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 真剣な [しんけんな] /serious/ 剣道 [けんどう] /kendo, swordsmanship/ 剣 [つるぎ] /sword/ 点検 [てんけん] /examine/ 検討 [けんとう] /examine, consider/ 検定 [けんてい] /official approval (of a school, textbook, etc.)/ 検証 [けんしょう] /probe/ 検察庁 [けんさつちょう] /public prosecutor's office/ 検事 [けんじ] /public prosecuror/ 経験 [けいけん] /experience/ 体験 [たいけん] /experience/ 試験 [しけん] /examination; experiment, test/ 実験 [じっけん] /experiment/ 受験 [じゅけん] /take an exam/ 験 [げん] /affect (of a prayer, etc.), omen/ 騒ぐ [さわぐ] /be noisy, make a fuss/ 騒がしい [さわがしい] /noisy, boisterous/ 大騒ぎ [おおさわぎ] /uproar, big fuss/ 騒音 [そうおん] /noise/ 騒々しい [そうぞうしい] /clumsy/ 物騒な [ぶっそうな] /dangerous, frightening, unsettled/ 試験 [しけん] /examination; experiment, test/ 試合 [しあい] /match, game/ 試食 [ししょく] /try or taste (food)/ 試運転 [しうんてん] /test or trial run; make a test or trial run/ 試す [ためす] /try/ 試みる [こころみる] /try/ 結婚式 [けっこんしき] /wedding ceremony/ 入学式 [にゅうがくしき] /(school) entrance ceremony/ 卒業式 [そつぎょうしき] /commencement or graduation ceremony/ 正式に [せいしきに] /formally/ 公式の [こうしきの] /official/ 方式 [ほうしき] /system, method/ 形式 [けいしき] /form, formality/ 方程式 [ほうていしき] /equation/ 専門 [せんもん] /major, area of expertise/ 専門家 [せんこんか] /expert/ 専任の [せんにんの] /full-time (lecturer, instructor, etc.)/ 専制政治 [せんせいせいじ] /autocracy/ バス専用レーン [バスせんようレーン] /(exclusive) bus lane/ 専ら [もっぱら] /mainly, mostly/ 博士 [はくし] /PhD, Doctor/ 博士課程 [はくしかてい] /PhD program/ 博士号 [はくしごう] /PhD/ 博物館 [はくぶつかん] /museum/ 万博 [ばんぱく] /world's fair/ 賭博 [とばく] /gambling/ 薄い [うすい] /light (color), weak (coffee, tea, etc.), thin (book, paper, etc.)/ 薄暗い [うすぐらい] /dim, gloomy/ 薄める [うすめる] /make thin/ 薄利多売 [はくりたばい] /(gaining profit by) selling a lot with a small profit margin on each item/ 薄情な [はくじょうな] /heartless, cold-hearted/ 精神薄弱 [せいしんはくじゃく] /mental weakness, feeble mindedness, low intelligence/ 夢 [ゆめ] /dream/ 悪夢 [あくむ] /nightmare, bad dream/ 夢中になる [むちゅうになる] /be fascinated with, be crazy about/ 葬式 [そうしき] /funeral/ 葬儀 [そうぎ] /funeral/ 火葬 [かそう] /cremation; cremate/ 土葬 [どそう] /interment, burial; bury/ 副葬品 [ふくそうひん] /items buried with the dead/ 葬る [ほうむる] /bury/ 蒸気 [じょうき] /steam/ 蒸気船 [じょうきせん] /steamship/ 水蒸気 [すいじょうき] /steam/ 蒸し暑い [むしあつい] /muggy hot/ 蒸す [むす] /steam/ 蒸れる [むれる] /become stuffy/ 蒸らす [むらす] /steam (rice, etc.)/ # end