# Kanji in Context Lesson 063 : 848-858 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 厚い [あつい] /thick/ 厚かましい [あつかましい] /shameless, brazenfaced/ 厚生省 [こうせいしょう] /the Ministry of Health and Welfare/ 宴会 [えんかい] /dinner party, banquet/ 酒宴 [しゅえん] /banquet/ 宣言 [せんげん] /declare/ 独立宣言 [どくりつせんげん] /declaration of independence/ 宣伝 [せんでん] /propaganda, publicity; propagate, publicize/ 宣教師 [せにょうし] /missionary/ 世界各国 [せっかいかっこく] /many countries (around the word)/ 各地 [かくち] /each area, many places/ 各種の [かくしゅの] /every kind of, all sorts of/ 各自 [かくじ] /each person, individually/ 各々 [おのおの] /each, everyone/ 性格 [せいかく] /personally/ 価格 [かかく] /price/ 合格 [ごうかく] /pass (an examination)/ 人格 [じんかく] /personality, character/ 格好 [かっこう] /shape, form, figure/ 同格の [どうかくの] /equal (in rank)/ 本格的な [ほんかくてきな] /full-scale/ 格別な [かくべつな] /particular, special, exceptional/ 格子 [こうし] /lattice, grille/ 資源 [しげん] /resources/ 資本 [しほん] /capital/ 資金 [しきん] /funds/ 資格 [しかく] /qualification/ 物資 [ぶっし] /goods/ 資源 [しげん] /resources/ 起源 [きげん] /origin/ 財源 [ざいげん] /source of revenue/ 源氏物語 [げんじものがたり] /The Tale of Genji/ 源 [みなもと] /source, origin/ 貴重な [きちょうな] /valuable, precious/ 貴重品 [きちょうひん] /valuables/ 貴族 [きぞく] /nobleman, the nobility/ 貴い [とうとい] /noble/ 貴ぶ [とうとぶ] /respect/ 家賃 [やちん] /rent (of an apartment or house)/ 運賃 [うんちん] /fare/ 賃金 [ちんぎん] /wage/ 賃上げ [ちんあげ] /wage hike/ 通貨 [つうか] /currency/ 外貨 [がいか] /foreign currency/ 金貨 [きんか] /gold coin/ 貨物 [かもつ] /freight/ 費用 [ひよう] /cost, expense/ 経費 [けいひ] /cost, expense/ 人件費 [じんけんひ] /cost of labor/ 旅費 [りょひ] /traveling expenses/ 生活費 [せいかつひ] /cost of living/ 食費 [しょくひ] /food expenses/ 光熱費 [こうねつひ] /heating and lighting expenses/ 費やす [ついやす] /spend, waste, use up/ 費える [ついえる] /be used up/ # end