# Kanji in Context Lesson 064 : 859-870 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 貧乏な [びんぼうな] /poor/ 貧富の差 [ひんぷのさ] /disparity in wealth/ 貧困 [ひんこん] /poverty/ 貧弱な [ひんじゃくな] /poor, scanty/ 貧しい [まずしい] /poor/ 貧乏な [びんぼうな] /poor/ 欠乏 [けつぼう] /shortage; lack, run short of/ 乏しい [とぼしい] /poor, scarce/ 額 [がく] /picture frame, framed picture, amount of money/ 金額 [きんがく] /amount of money/ 総額 [そうがく] /total amount/ 半額 [はんがく] /half price/ 差額 [さがく] /difference, balance/ 額 [ひたい] /forehead/ お願い [おねがい] /request/ 願う [ねがう] /desire/ 願書 [がんしょ] /application (form)/ 志願者 [しがんしゃ] /applicant/ 塾 [じゅく] /private prep school attended after regular school hours/ 学習塾 [がくしゅうじゅく] /private prep school attended after regular school hours/ 慶應義塾大学 [けいおうぎじゅくだいがく] /Keio University/ 未熟な [みじゅくな] /immature, inexperienced/ 成熟 [せいじゅく] /mature/ 熟す [じゅくす] /ripen/ 熟語 [じゅくご] /idiom, kanji compound/ 熟れる [うれる] /ripen/ 大勢 [おおぜい] /a lot of people/ 大勢 [たいせい] /general tendency/ 勢力 [せいりょく] /power, influence/ 情勢 [じょうせい] /situation/ 国勢調査 [こくせいちょうさ] /national census/ 勢い [いきおい] /power, force/ 熱い [あつい] /hot/ 熱 [ねつ] /heat, fever/ 高熱 [こうねつ] /high fever/ 熱湯 [ねっとう] /boiling water/ 情熱 [じょうねつ] /enthusiasm, passion/ 熱中 [ねっちゅう] /be crazy about/ 熱心な [ねっしんな] /earnest/ 昭和 [しょわ] /Showa (imperial era, 1926-1989)/ 対照的に [たいしょうてきに] /in contrast/ 参照 [さんしょう] /refer to/ 照明 [しょうめい] /lighting/ 東照宮 [とうしょうぐう] /Toshogu Shrine (the Shrine in Nikko where the first shogun is enshrined)/ 照る [てる] /shine (used for the sun)/ 照れる [てれる] /feel embarassed/ 黙る [だまる] /become silent, say nothing/ 沈黙 [ちんもく] /silence; become or fall silent/ 黙認 [もくにん] /permit tacitly/ 黙秘権 [もくひけん] /the right of silence/ 黙殺 [もくさつ] /ignore, take no notice of/ 燃える [もえる] /burn/ 燃す [もやす] /burn/ 燃料 [ねんりょう] /fuel/ 可燃性の [かねんせいの] /flammable/ 不燃性の [ふねんせいの] /non-flammable/ # end