# Kanji in Context Lesson 067 : 894-904 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 幸福 [こうふく] /happiness/ 不幸 [ふこう] /misery, unhappiness/ 幸運 [こううん] /good fortune/ 幸せ [しあわせ] /happiness/ 幸 [さち] /happiness, fortune/ 海の幸 [うみなさち] /products of the sea/ 幸い [さいわい] /fortunately; happiness, good luck or fortune; cause good fortune/ 幸福 [こうふく] /happiness/ 福祉 [ふくし] /welfare, well-being/ 祝福 [しゅくふく] /blessing; bless/ 福音書 [ふくいんしょ] /the Gospels/ 福祉 [ふくし] /welfare, well-being/ 社会福祉 [しゃかいふくし] /social or public welfare/ 幅 [はば] /width/ 大幅な [おおはばな] /big (fall, raise, cut, etc.)/ 振幅 [しんぷく] /amplitude (of a swing)/ 副社長 [ふくしゃちょう] /vice president (of a company)/ 副業 [ふくぎょう] /side business/ 副産物 [ふくさんぶつ] /by-product/ 副作用 [ふくさよう] /side effect/ 副題 [ふくだい] /subtitle/ 判断 [はんだん] /judge/ 裁判 [さいばん] /trial, hearing/ 判事 [はんじ] /judge/ 判決 [はんけつ] /judgement, judicial decision/ 公判 [こうはん] /trial, hearing/ 判明 [はんめい] /become clear, be ascertained/ 判子 [はんこ] /seal/ 判断 [はんだん] /judge/ 決断 [けつだん] /decide or determine (to do something)/ 油断 [ゆだん] /be careless, be off one's guard/ 断定 [だんてい] /conclude/ 横断歩道 [おうだんほどう] /pedestrian crossing/ 横断 [おうだん] /cross, go across/ 断水 [だんすい] /stoppage of the water supply; the water supply is cut off/ 断念 [だんねん] /give up/ 断る [ことわる] /decline, refuse, give notice/ 断つ [たつ] /cut off/ 継続 [けいぞく] /continue/ 後継者 [こうけいしゃ] /successor/ 衛星中継 [えいせいちゅうけい] /satellite broadcasting/ 継ぐ [つぐ] /inherit, succeed to/ 受け継ぐ [うけつぐ] /succeed, take over (another's business, etc.)/ 繰り返す [くりかえす] /repeat/ 引っ繰り返す [ひっくりかえす] /turn upside down, overturn, upset, tip over/ 引っ繰り返る [ひっくりかえる] /topple over, fall one one's back, be upset/ 乾燥 [かんそう] /dry up, dry out/ 乾燥器 [かんそうき] /clothes dryer/ 乾燥地帯 [かんそうちだい] /dry area/ 乾燥 [かんそう] /dry up, dry out/ 乾電池 [かんでんち] /dry cell battery/ 乾杯 [かんぱい] /drink a toast; "Cheers!"/ 乾く [かわく] /become dry, dry out/ # end