# Kanji in Context Lesson 069 : 918-928 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 卸売り [おろしうり] /wholesale/ 卸値 [おろしね] /wholesale price/ 卸売物価 [おろしうりぶっか] /wholesale prices/ 卸す [おろす] /sell wholesalel/ 御飯 [ごはん] /(cooked) rice, meal/ 京都御所 [きょうとごしょ] /Kyoto Imperial Palace/ 御礼 [おんれい] /gratitude, thanks/ 制御 [せいぎょ] /control/ 空き缶 [あきかん] /empty can/ 缶ビール [かんビール] /canned beer/ 利益 [りえき] /profit/ 収益 [しゅうえき] /profit/ 有益な [ゆうえきな] /useful/ 無益な [むえきな] /useless, futile/ 公益 [こうえき] /the public interest or good/ 公益法人 [こうえきほうじん] /nonprofit organization, public corportation/ ご利益 [ごりあく] /divine assistance/ 盛大な [せいだいな] /grand, magnificent/ 繁盛 [はんじょう] /prosper, flourish/ 盛り込む [もりこむ] /include/ 盛る [もる] /heap up, fill up (a bowl with rice)/ 盛んな [さかんな] /prosperous, energetic/ 花盛り [はなざかり] /in full bloom, at its best/ 同盟国 [どうめいこく] /allied nations/ 国際連盟 [こくさいれんめい] /the League of Nations/ 連盟 [れんめい] /league/ 加盟 [かめい] /join (a league, federation, etc.)/ 盟主 [めいしゅ] /leader of a league, federation, etc./ 盟約 [めいやく] /pledge/ 塩 [しお] /salt/ 塩分 [えんぶん] /salt content/ 食塩 [しょくえん] /table salt/ 塩水 [しおみず、えんすい] /salt water, brine/ 監督 [かんとく] /(film) director, manager (of a team); supervise/ 監視 [かんし] /watch, keep a watch on/ 監禁 [かんきん] /imprison, confine/ 監査 [かんさ] /inspection; inspect/ 監督 [かんとく] /(film) director, manager (of a team); supervise/ 督促 [とくそく] /demand or urge payment of a debt/ 家督 [かとく] /headship of a family/ 皿 [さら] /plate, dish saucer/ 皿洗い [さらあらい] /dishwashing/ 灰皿 [はいざら] /ashtray/ 血 [ち] /blood/ 血液 [けつえき] /blood/ 血管 [けっかん] /blood vessel/ 出血 [しゅっけつ] /bleed/ 輸血 [ゆけつ] /give a blood transfusion/ 血圧 [けつあつ] /blood pressure/ 高血圧 [こうけつあつ] /high blood pressure/ 献血 [けんけつ] /donate or give blood/ 流血 [りゅうけつ] /bloodshed/ # end