# Kanji in Context Lesson 070 : 929-938 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 明治神宮 [めいじじんぐう] /Meiji Shrine/ 宮殿 [きゅうでん] /palace/ 子宮 [しきゅう] /uterus, womb/ お宮参り [おみやまいり] /visit to a shrine/ 宮内庁 [くないちょう] /the Imperial Household Agency/ 経営 [けいえい] /management; manage, run/ 経営者 [けいえいしゃ] /manager/ 運営 [うんえい] /manage, operate/ 営業 [えいぎょう] /business; conduct business/ 非営利団体 [ひえいりだんたい] /nonprofit organization/ 公営ギャンブル [こうえいギャンブル] /publically operated gambling/ 営む [いとなむ] /operate/ 辞書 [じしょ] /dictionary/ 辞職 [じしょく] /resign (from a job)/ 辞表 [じひょう] /letter of resignation/ お世辞 [おせじ] /flattery/ 辞める [やめる] /resign/ 混乱 [こんらん] /be confused, be thrown into confusion/ 反乱 [はんらん] /rebellion/ 内乱 [ないらん] /civil war/ 乱 [らん] /rebellion/ 乱筆 [らんぴつ] /hasty handwriting/ 乱れる [みだれる] /go out of order, be confused/ 要求 [ようきゅう] /demand, request/ 請求 [せいきゅう] /claim, bill/ 求人 [きゅうじん] /help wanted (ad), job vacancy/ 求職 [きゅうしょく] /look for a job/ 探求 [たんきゅう] /search for, pursue/ 求める [もとめる] /demand, request, seek/ 救急車 [きゅうきゅうしゃ] /ambulance/ 救助 [きゅうしょ] /rescue/ 救命具 [きゅうめいぐ] /life preserver/ 救う [すくう] /help, rescue/ 野球 [やきゅう] /baseball/ 野球場 [やきゅうじょう] /baseball stadium/ 球場 [きゅうじょう] /baseball stadium/ 地球 [ちきゅう] /the earth/ 電球 [でんきゅう] /electric bulb/ 気球 [ききゅう] /balloon/ 球 [たま] /ball/ 礼儀 [れいぎ] /courtesy, decorum/ 礼儀正しい [れいぎたさひい] /courteous, polite/ 行儀 [ぎょうぎ] /manners/ 儀式 [ぎしき] /ceremony/ 地球儀 [ちきゅうぎ] /(terrestrial) globe/ 犠牲 [ぎせい] /sacrifice, victim/ 犠牲者 [ぎせいしゃ] /victim/ 犠牲 [ぎせい] /sacrifice, victim/ 犠牲者 [ぎせいしゃ] /victim/ # end