# Kanji in Context Lesson 071 : 939-948 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 対象 [たいしょう] /subject (of investigation), object (of study), target (of criticism)/ 現象 [げんしょう] /phenomenon/ 気象庁 [きしょうちょう] /the Meterological Agency/ 気象学 [きしょうがく] /meterology/ 象 [ぞう] /elephant/ 想像 [そうぞう] /imagine/ 現像 [げんぞう] /(film) development; develop (a film)/ 映像 [えいぞう] /picture, image/ 仏像 [ぶつぞう] /statue or image of Buddha/ 自画像 [じがぞう] /self-portrait/ 免許 [めんきょ] /permission, license/ 免税 [めんぜい] /tax exemption; make (a product, etc.) exempt from tax/ 免税店 [めんぜいてん] /duty-free shop/ 免れる [まぬかれる] /exempt/ 城 [しろ] /castle/ 江戸城 [えどじょう] /Edo Castle/ 城下町 [じょうかまち] /castle town/ 城主 [じょうしゅ] /castle lord/ 誠実な [せいじつな] /sincere/ 誠意 [せいい] /sincerity/ 誠に [まことに] /truly/ 詳しい [くわしい] /detailed/ 詳細な [しょうさいな] /detailed/ 詳報 [しょうほう] /detailed report/ 詩 [し] /poetry, poem/ 詩人 [しじん] /poet/ 詩集 [しゅしゅう] /collection of poems/ 漢詩 [かんし] /Chinese poem or poetry/ 詩歌 [しいか] /poetry/ 討論 [とうろん] /debate, discussion; debate, discuss/ 検討 [けんとう] /examine, consider/ 討議 [とうぎ] /discussion, deliberation; discuss, deliberate, hold a discussion/ 討つ [うつ] /attack, defeat/ 謝る [あやまる] /apologize/ 感謝 [かんしゃ] /thank/ 謝罪 [しゃざい] /apologize/ 謝礼 [しゃれい] /remuneration, honorarium/ 新陳代謝 [しんちんたいしゃ] /metabolism; metabolize/ 評判 [ひょうばん] /reputation/ 評価 [ひょうか] /evaluate. appraise/ 批評 [ひひょう] /criticism; criticize/ 論評 [ろんぴょう] /comment, criticism; comment, criticize/ 書評 [しょひょう] /book review/ # end