# Kanji in Context Lesson 073 : 960-971 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 途中 [とちゅう] /on the way, midway/ 中途半端な [ちゅうとはんぱな] /incomplete, halfway/ 開発途上国 [かいはつとじょうこく] /developing countries/ 前途 [ぜんと] /one's future/ 途絶える [とだえる] /stop, cease/ ~した途端に [~したとたんに] /just as, the moment that/ 込む [こむ] /be crowded/ 飛び込む [とびこむ] /dive, plunge into/ 引っ込む [ひっこむ] /retire, withdraw/ 申し込む [もうしこむ] /apply/ 払い込む [はらいこむ] /pay (into an account)/ 申し込み [もうしこみ] /application/ 人込み [ひとごみ] /crowd, throng, crowded place/ 見込み [みこみ] /prospects, outlook, estimate/ 込める [こめる] /load (a gun), include/ この辺り [このあたり] /this neighborhood, around here/ この辺 [このへん] /neighborhood, vicinity/ 周辺 [しゅうへん] /environs, periphery/ 底辺 [ていへん] /base, bottom/ 海辺 [うみべ] /beach, seashore/ 水辺 [みずべ] /shore/ 辺境地 [へんきょうち] /frontier/ 述べる [のべる] /state/ 記述 [きじゅつ] /describe/ 口述試験 [こうじゅつしけん] /oral examination/ 述語 [じゅつご] /predicate/ 上述の [じょうじゅつの] /above-mentioned/ 迫る [せまる] /press someone to do something, approach/ 迫力 [はくりょく] /force, power, impressiveness/ 迫害 [はくがい] /persecute/ 切迫した [せっぱくした] /pressing, imminent/ 造船 [ぞうせん] /shipbuilding/ 製造 [せいぞう] /manufacture/ 製造業 [せいぞうぎょう] /manufacturing/ 改造 [かいぞう] /remodel/ 木造の [もくぞうの] /wooden/ 人造湖 [じんぞうこ] /manmade lake/ 造る [つくる] /make, build/ 追いかける [おいかける] /chase, pursure/ 追いつく [おいつく] /catch up with, overtake/ 追い越す [おいこす] /pass, get ahead of, outstrip/ 追う [おう] /chase, pursue, drive away/ 追い風 [おいかぜ] /tail wind/ 追加 [ついか] /add, supplement/ 追求 [ついきゅう] /pursue/ 追放 [ついほう] /drive away, banish, purge/ 教師 [きょうし] /teacher/ 家庭教師 [かていきょうし] /home tutor/ 医師 [いし] /doctor/ 師匠 [ししょう] /master (in contrast to disciples)/ 師走 [しわす] /December/ 桜 [さくら] /cherry tree/ 八重桜 [やえざくら] /double-flowered cherry tree/ 桜花 [おうか] /cherry blossoms/ 梅 [うめ] /ume, Japanese apricot/ 梅酒 [うめしゅ] /ume wine/ 梅干し [うめぼし] /pickled ume/ 白梅 [はくばい] /ume tree with white blossoms/ 紅梅 [こうばい] /ume tree with pink blossoms/ 梅園 [ばいえん] /ume tree orchard/ 梅雨 [つゆ、ばいう] /rainy season (in June)/ 梅雨前線 [ばいうぜんせん] /warm front of early summer tain/ 松 [まつ] /pine tree/ 松林 [まつばやし] /pine woods/ 松島 [まつしま] /Matsushima (scenic coastal area near Sendai)/ 松竹梅 [しょうちくばい] /pine, bamboo, and ume (typical decorations at a celebration)/ 桃 [もも] /peach tree/ 桃色 [ももいろ] /pink/ 桜桃 [おうとう] /cherry/ 桃源郷 [とうげんきょう] /paradise/ # end