# Kanji in Context Lesson 075 : 982-991 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) ~枚 [~まい] /(counter for thin, flat objects)/ 枚数 [まいすう] /number of sheets (of paper, etc.)/ ~杯 [~はい] /~glass or cup of/ 乾杯 [かんぱい] /drink a toast; "Cheers!"/ 祝杯 [しゅくはい] /toast/ 杯 [さかずき] /sake cup, goblet/ 千円札 [せんえんさつ] /1,000 yen bill/ 札 [さつ] /paper money, bill, slip of paper/ 札束 [さつたば] /roll of bills/ 改札口 [かいさつぐち] /ticket gate/ 表札 [ひょうさつ] /nameplate (of a house)/ 競争入札 [きょうそうにゅうさつ] /public tender, competitive bidding/ 名札 [なふだ] /name tag/ 分析 [ぶんせき] /analyze/ 解析 [かいせき] /analyze (used in mathematics)/ 析出 [せきしゅつ] /educe, extract/ 核戦争 [かくせんそう] /nuclear war/ 核エネルギー [かくエネルギー] /nuclear energy/ 核燃料 [かくねんりょう] /nuclear fuel/ 核兵器 [かくへいき] /nuclear weapons/ 核廃棄物 [かくはいきぶつ] /nuclear waste/ 原子核 [げんしかく] /(atomic) nucleus/ 核 [かく] /nucleus, core/ 核家族 [かくかぞく] /nuclear family/ 核心 [かくしん] /core, kernel/ 結核 [けっかく] /tuberculosis/ 黒板 [こくばん] /blackboard/ 板 [いた] /board/ 合板 [ごうはん] /plywood/ 甲板 [かんぱん] /deck (of a ship)/ 鉄棒 [てつぼう] /iron bar or rod, horizontal bar/ 棒 [ぼう] /stick, rod, club/ 棒グラフ [ぼうグラフ] /bar graph/ 柄 [がら] /pattern, design/ 人柄 [ひとがら] /character, personality/ 家柄 [いえがら] /social standing of a family/ 横柄な [おうへいな] /arrogant/ 柄 [え] /handle, grip/ 電柱 [でんちゅう] /telephone or utility pole/ 柱 [はしら] /pillar/ 大黒柱 [だいこくばしら] /the main pillar (of a house), breadwinner for a family/ 構造 [こうぞう] /structure/ 構成 [こうせい] /composition, organization; form, compose/ 構想 [こうそう] /plan, plot/ 機構 [きこう] /organization/ 心構え [こころがまえ] /mental attitude, mental readiness/ 構える [かまえる] /set up (an office, store, etc.)/ 構う [かまう] /mind, care about/ # end