# Kanji in Context Lesson 078 : 1015-1024 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 注射 [ちゅうしゃ] /injection, inoculation; inject, give a shot/ 発射 [はっしゃ] /launch, fire/ 反射 [はんしゃ] /reflect/ 射殺 [しゃさつ] /shoot someone dead/ 放射能 [ほうしゃのう] /radioactivity/ 射る [いる] /shoot/ 占領 [せんりょう] /occupy (another country or territory)/ 独占 [どくせん] /monopolize, keep a thing to oneself/ 寡占市場 [かせんしじょう] /oligopolistic market/ 買い占める [かいしめる] /buy up (all the goods), corner a market/ 占める [しめる] /occupy/ 占う [うらなう] /tell fortunes/ 不況 [ふきょう] /recession, depression/ 好況 [こうきょう] /brisk market, prosperity/ 状況 [じょうきょう] /condition, situation/ 情況 [じょうきょう] /condition, situation/ 実況放送 [じっきょうほうそう] /on-the-spot broadcasting/ お祝い [おいわい] /celebration/ 結婚祝い [けっこにわい] /wedding celebration, wedding present/ 祝う [いわう] /celebrate/ 祝日 [しゅくじつ] /national holiday/ 祝電 [しゅくでん] /telegram of congratualations/ 祝辞 [しゅくじ] /congratulatory address or speech/ 祝儀 [しゅうぎ] /gratuity/ 年賀状 [ねんがじょう] /New Year's card/ 祝賀会 [しゅくがかい] /celebration, congratulatory banquet/ 志賀高原 [しがこうげん] /Shigakogen (famous resort area in Nagano Prefecture)/ 競争 [きょうそう] /compete, contest/ 競走 [きょうそう] /run in a race/ 競売 [きょうばい] /auction; sell by auction/ 競馬 [けいば] /horse racing/ 競う [きそう] /compete/ 競る [せる] /compete/ 景気 [けいき] /business conditions/ 不景気 [ふけいき] /economic depression or recession/ 不景気な [ふけいきな] /gloomy, cheerless/ 風景 [ふうけい] /landscape, scenary/ 光景 [こうけい] /scene/ 景色 [けしき] /scenery/ 影響 [えいきょう] /influence, effect; influence, affect/ 影 [かげ] /shadow, silhouette, figure/ 面影 [おもかげ] /visage, face, looks, image/ 影響 [えいきょう] /influence, effect; influence, affect/ 反響 [はんきょう] /echo, resound, reverberate/ 音響効果 [あんきょうこうか] /sound effect/ 交響曲 [こうきょうきょく] /symphony/ 響く [ひびく] /echo, resound, affect/ 故郷 [こきょう] /hometown, birthplace/ 郷土 [きょうど] /native province/ 近郷 [きんごう] /neighboring villages/ # end