# Kanji in Context Lesson 079 : 1025-1034 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 里 [さと] /village, one's parents' home/ ~理 [~り] /~ri (unit of distance, approx. 3.9 km)/ 海里 [かいり] /nautical mile/ 童話 [どうわ] /fairy tale/ 童心 [どうしん] /child's mind/ 児童 [じどう] /pupil (in primary school), child, juvenile/ 童 [わらべ] /child/ 童歌 [わらべうた] /children's song/ 文章 [ぶんしょう] /composition, writing, sentence/ 章 [しょう] /chapter/ 第~章 [だい~しょう] /chapter ~/ 故障 [こしょう] /breakdown, failure, trouble; break down, fail, be out of order/ 障害 [しょうがい] /obstacle, impediment/ 保障 [ほしょう] /secure/ 支障 [ししょう] /hindrance, obstacle, problem/ 障子 [しょうじ] /sliding paper door/ 障る [さわる] /harm, hurt/ 壁 [かべ] /wall/ 壁紙 [かべがみ] /wallpaper/ 壁画 [へきが] /fresco, mural/ 障壁 [しょうへき] /barrier/ 食卓 [しょくたく] /dining table/ 卓球 [たっきゅう] /ping-pong/ 電卓 [でんたく] /calculator/ 卓越した [たくえつした] /excellent, eminent, superb/ 著者 [しょしゃ] /author, writer/ 著書 [ちょしょ] /(literary) work/ 名著 [めいちょ] /famous or great book/ 著名な [ちょめいな] /well-known, distinguished/ 著作権 [ちょさくけん] /copyright/ 顕著な [けんちょな] /remarkable/ 著しい [いちじるしい] /remarkable/ 著わす [あらわす] /write/ アジア諸国 [アジアしょこく] /Asian countries/ マリアナ諸島 [マリアナしょとう] /the Mariana Islands/ 一緒に [いっしょに] /(together) with/ 情緒 [じょうちょ] /emotion, feeling/ 鼻緒 [はなお] /geta strap/ 鏡 [かがみ] /mirror/ 望遠鏡 [ぼうえんきょう] /telescope/ 眼鏡 [めがね] /eyeglasses/ # end