# Kanji in Context Lesson 084 : 1076-1089 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 変更 [へんこう] /change, alter/ 更衣室 [こういしつ] /dressing room, locker room/ 更新 [こうしん] /renew, establish a new record/ 更に [さらに] /furthermore/ 夜更かし [よふかし] /stay up late at night/ 更ける [ふける] /grow dark/ 恩恵 [おんけい] /favor, benefit/ 知恵 [ちえ] /wisdom, intelligence/ 恵まれている [めぐまれている] /be blessed with/ 恵む [めぐむ] /bestow a favor, bless/ 恵み [めぐみ] /blessing/ 恋人 [こいびと] /boyfriend, girlfriend, lover/ 恋心 [こごころ] /love/ 恋 [こい] /(romantic) love/ 恋しい [こいしい] /dearest, beloved/ 恋愛 [れんあい] /love/ 恋愛 [れんあい] /love/ 愛 [あい] /love/ 愛情 [あいじょう] /love, affection/ 愛国心 [あいこくしん] /patriotic sentiment, patriotism/ 愛読書 [あいどくしょ] /favorite book/ お互いに [おたがいに] /mutually/ 相互理解 [そうごりかい] /mutual understanding/ 交互み [こうごに] /alternately/ 涙 [なみだ] /teardrop, tears/ 涙声 [なみだごえ] /tearful voice/ 感涙 [かんるい] /tears (of strong emotion)/ 冷房 [れいぼう] /air conditioning/ 暖房 [だんぼう] /heating; heat (a room)/ 文房具 [ぶんぼうぐ] /stationary/ 官房長官 [かんぼうちょうかん] /chief secretary of the cabinet/ 女房 [にょうぼう] /one's wife/ 乳房 [ちぶさ] /breasts/ 房 [ふさ] /bunch, cluster, tassel, tuft/ 雇用制度 [こようせいど] /employment system/ 雇用 [こよう] /employment; employ/ 解雇 [かいこ] /fire (an employee)/ 雇用主 [こようぬし] /employer/ 雇用者 [こようしゃ] /employee/ 雇う [やとう] /employ, hire/ 肩 [かた] /shoulder/ 肩書き [かたがき] /(one's) title/ 肩代わり [かたがわり] /shoulder (someone's debt)/ 肩身が狭い [かたみがせまい] /feel ashamed/ 肩章 [けんしょう] /epaulet/ 背中 [せなか] /back/ 背 [せ] /back/ 背 [せ、せい] /height/ 背広 [せびろ] /suit/ 背景 [はいけい] /background, setting/ 背後 [はいご] /back, rear/ 背信行為 [はいしんこうい] /betrayal, breach of trust/ 背く [そむく] /disobey, betray, revolt/ 背ける [そむける] /avert (one's eyes from), turn (one's face) away/ 胸 [むね] /chest, breast/ 胸毛 [むなげ] /chest hair/ 胸囲 [きょうい] /girth of the chest/ 胸中 [きょうちゅう] /inner feeling/ 度胸 [どきょう] /courage, bravery, guts/ 腰 [こし] /lower back, waist, hips/ 物腰 [ものごし] /demeanor/ 本腰を入れる [ほんごしをいれる] /set about (a task) in earnest/ 腰痛 [ようつう] /backache, pain in the lower back, lumbago/ 空腹な [くうふくな] /hungry/ 立腹 [りっぷく] /get angry/ 腹が立つ [はらがたつ] /get angry/ 腹 [はら] /stomach, belly/ お腹 [おなか] /stomach/ 豚 [ぶた] /pig, hog/ 豚肉 [ぶたにく] /pork/ 豚カツ [とんカツ] /pork cutlet/ 養豚 [ようとん] /hog or pig raising/ # end