# Kanji in Context Lesson 087 : 1111-1122 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 冷蔵庫 [れいぞうこ] /refrigerator/ 貯蔵 [ちょぞう] /store, reserve/ 蔵書 [ぞうしょ] /(one's personal) library/ 蔵 [くら] /storehouse, warehouse/ 大蔵省 [おおくらしょう] /the Ministry of Finance/ 大蔵大臣 [おおくらだいじん] /the Finance Minister/ 蔵相 [ぞうしょう] /the Finance Minister/ 倉庫 [そうこ] /warehouse/ 倉 [くら] /storehouse, warehouse/ 創造性 [そうぞうせい] /creativity/ 創造 [そうぞう] /create/ 創作 [そうさく] /create/ 創立 [そうりつ] /establish, found/ 独創的な [どくそうてきな] /original, creative/ 創価学会 [そうかがっかい] /Soka Gakkai (a Buddhist sect)/ 看護婦 [かんごふ] /nurse/ 看病 [かんびょう] /nursing/ 看板 [かんばん] /signboard, sign/ 看守 [かんしゅ] /prison guard/ 看破 [かんぱ] /see through, detect/ 看護婦 [かんごふ] /nurse/ 弁護士 [べんごし] /lawyer/ 弁護 [べんご] /defend, plead, speak for/ 保護 [ほご] /protect, preserve/ 護衛 [ごえい] /bodyguard, escort; guard, escort/ 弁護士 [べんごし] /lawyer/ 弁解 [べんかい] /explain, justify, excuse/ 答弁 [とうべん] /reply, answer (at an assembly)/ 関西弁 [かんさいべん] /Kansai dialect or accent/ 弁当 [べんとう] /box lunch/ 駅弁 [えきべん] /box lunch sold at train station/ 信念 [しんねん] /belief, faith, conviction/ 理念 [りねん] /idea/ 念頭に [ねんとうに] /in mind/ 念入りに [ねんいりに] /with special care, thoroughly/ 記念 [きねん] /commemorate/ 記念日 [きねんび] /memorial day, anniversary/ 休息 [きゅうそく] /rest, take a rest/ 利息 [りそく] /interest (on a loan)/ 消息 [しょうそく] /news, information, contact/ 息子 [むすこ] /son/ 息 [いき] /breath/ 息吹 [いぶき] /a breath (of spring), an emanation (of youth)/ 反応 [はんのう] /react/ 応答 [おうとう] /answer/ 質疑応答 [しつぎおうとう] /questions and answers/ 応用 [おうよう] /apply/ 応接間 [おうせつま] /reception room, living room/ 寄る [よる] /approach, draw near, drop in/ 近寄る [ちかよる] /draw near, approach/ 立ち寄る [たちよる] /drop in, stop at/ 最寄りの [もよりの] /nearest, nearby/ 寄付 [きふ] /contribute, donate/ 寄付金 [きふきん] /contribution, donation, gift of money/ 寄生 [きせい] /be parisitic (on a tree, animal, etc.)/ 寄せる [よせる] /bring near, gather together/ 突然 [とつぜん] /suddenly/ 突入 [とつにゅう] /storm (a building), rush (into a strike)/ 突破 [とっぱ] /break through/ 突く [つく] /poke/ 突き当たり [つきあたり] /the end of a street, hall, etc./ 突き当たる [つきあたる] /come to the end of a street, run or bump against/ 突っ込む [つっこむ] /thrust into, pierce/ 穴 [あな] /hole/ 落とし穴 [おとしあな] /pitfall/ 洞穴 [どうけつ] /cave/ # end