# Kanji in Context Lesson 088 : 1122-1133 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 美容院 [びよういん] /beauty parlor/ 美容 [びよう] /beauty/ 内容 [ないよう] /contents/ 容器 [ようき] /container/ 容量 [ようりょう] /volume, capacity/ 受容 [じゅよう] /accept, take in/ 形容詞 [けいようし] /adjective/ 食欲 [しょくよく] /appetite/ 性欲 [せいよく] /sexual desire, sex drove/ 欲望 [よくぼう] /desire, craving/ 欲 [よく] /desire/ 無欲な [むよくな] /free from avarice, unselfish/ 欲しい [ほしい] /want/ 欲する [ほっする] /want/ 余裕 [よゆう] /leeway, spare (time, money, etc.)/ 裕福な [ゆうふくな] /wealthy/ 入浴 [にゅうよく] /take a bath/ 浴室 [よくしつ] /bathroom/ 海水浴 [かいすいよく] /sea bathing/ 日光浴 [にっこうよく] /sun bathing/ 浴衣 [ゆかた] /yukata (cotton kimono for the summer)/ 浴びる [あびる] /be bathed in, take (a shower)/ 浴びせる [あびせる] /pour over, douse, bombard (with criticism, questions, etc.)/ 運河 [うんが] /canal/ 河 [かわ] /river/ 銀河 [ぎんが] /the Milky Way/ 黄河 [こうが] /Hwang Ho, the Yellow River/ 河川 [かせん] /rivers/ 河原 [かわら] /dry riverbed/ ~に沿って [~にそって] /along (the coast, river, etc.)/ 川沿いの [かわぞいの] /along the river/ 沿岸 [えんがん] /(or or along) the coast or shore/ 沿線 [えんせん] /along a train line/ 沈没 [ちんぼつ] /sink/ 沈着冷静な [ちんちゃくれいせい] /composed, calm/ 沈む [しずむ] /sink/ 沈没 [ちんぼつ] /sink/ 没落 [ぼつらく] /downfall, ruin (of a family, etc.); be ruined or bankrupt/ 没収 [ぼっしゅう] /confiscate/ 出没 [しゅつぼつ] /appear frequently/ 付き添う [つきそう] /attend on, accompany/ 添える [そえる] /add, attach/ 添加物 [てんかぶつ] /additive/ 添削 [てんさく] /correct, revise/ 歓迎 [かんげい] /welcome/ 歓待 [かんたい] /give a cordial reception/ 歓声 [かんせい] /shout of joy, cheer/ 歓楽街 [かんらくがい] /entertainment district, red-light district/ 歓迎 [かんげい] /welcome/ 送迎バス [そうげいバス] /shuttle bus/ 出迎える [でむかえる] /go out to greet (someone at the front door, station, etc.)/ 迎えに行く [むかえにいく] /go to meet someone (at the airport, etc.), pick up/ 迎合 [げいごう] /cater to/ # end