# Kanji in Context Lesson 091 : 1154-1165 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 勇気 [ゆうき] /courage/ 勇退 [ゆうたい] /retire voluntarily/ 勇ましい [いさましい] /brave, courageous, valiant/ 募集 [ぼしゅう] /recuit/ 応募 [おうぼ] /apply for/ 応募者 [おうぼしゃ] /applicant/ 募金運動 [ぼきんうんどう] /fund-raising campaign/ 公募 [こうぼ] /advertise (for someone to fill a post)/ 募る [つのる] /recruit, invite (donations), raise (funds), grow intense/ 墓 [はか] /grave/ 墓参り [はかまいり] /visit a grave/ 墓石 [ぼせき] /gravestone/ 墓地 [ぼち] /cemetary/ 墓穴を掘る [ぼけつをほる] /dig one's own grave, bring about one's own ruin/ 幕 [まく] /(stage) curtain, act (of a play)/ 開幕 [かいまく] /beginning of a performance or event; (an event) begins/ 閉幕 [へいまく] /end of a performance or event; (an event) ends/ 字幕 [じまく] /subtitle/ 内幕 [うちまく] /behind-the-scenes story/ 幕府 [ばくふ] /the Shogunate government/ 暮らす [くらす] /live/ 一人暮らし [ひとりぐらし] /living alone/ 夕暮れ [ゆうぐれ] /twilight, evening/ 暮れる [くれる] /grow dark/ お歳暮 [おせいぼ] /year-end gift/ 砂漠 [おばく] /desert/ 漠然としている [ばくぜんとしている] /vague, obscure/ 規模 [きぼ] /scale/ 大規模な [だいきぼな] /large-scale/ 模型 [もけい] /model/ 模範 [もはん] /model, example/ 模造品 [もぞうひん] /imitation/ 模様 [もよう] /pattern, figure, design, appearance, look/ 概念 [がいねん] /concept/ 概要 [がいよう] /outline/ 概略 [がいりゃく] /outline/ 概算 [がいさん] /rough estimate; make a rough estimate/ 概論 [がいろん] /introduction, outline/ 大概 [たいがい] /mainly, generally/ 既に [すでに] /already/ 既成事実 [きせいじじつ] /accomplished fact/ 既成概念 [きせいがいねん] /preconceived idea/ 既製服 [きせいふく] /ready-made clothes/ 既婚の [きこんの] /married/ 既存の [きそんの] /existing/ 裁判 [さいばん] /trial, hearing/ 裁判官 [さいばんかん] /judge/ 裁判所 [さいばんしょ] /law court/ 独裁者 [どくさいしゃ] /dictator/ 総裁 [そうさい] /president, general director/ 裁く [さばく] /judge, decide (a case)/ 洋裁 [ようさい] /(Western-style) dressmaking/ 裁つ [たつ] /cut (cloth, leather, etc.)/ 我々 [われわれ] /we/ 我が国 [わがくに] /our country/ 自我 [じが] /self, ego/ 無我夢中で [むかむちゅうで] /desperately/ 武器 [ぶき] /weapon, arms/ 武力 [ぶりょく] /military force/ 武道 [ぶどう] /martial arts/ 武士 [ぶし] /warrior (in medieval Japan), samurai/ 武者 [ぶしゅ] /warrior/ # end