# Kanji in Context Lesson 092 : 1166-1176 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 先輩 [せんぱい] /one's senior (at school, work, etc.)/ 後輩 [こうはい] /one's junior (at school, work, etc.)/ 年輩の [ねんぱいの] /elderly/ 俳優 [はいゆう] /actor/ 俳句 [はいく] /haiku, Japanese short poem consisting of 17 syllables/ 俳人 [はいじん] /haiku poet/ 俳優 [はいゆう] /actor/ 女優 [じょゆう] /actress/ 優勝 [ゆうしょう] /win a championship/ 優先 [ゆうせん] /take precedence or priority, give priority/ 優秀な [ゆうしゅうな] /excellent/ 優れた [すぐれた] /excellent/ 優しい [やさしい] /gender, tender, kind-hearted/ 仲がいい [なかがいい] /be on good terms/ 仲 [なか] /relation/ 仲人 [なこうど] /go-between, match-maker/ 仲介 [ちゅうかい] /mediate/ 仲裁 [ちゅうさい] /arbitration, mediation; arbitrate, mediate/ 促進 [そくしん] /promote/ 催促 [さいそく] /press (a person for), urge (a person to do)/ 促成栽培 [そくせいさいばい] /artificially accelerated growth/ 促す [うながす] /urge (a person to do something)/ 優秀な [ゆうしゅうな] /excellent/ 秀才 [しゅうさい] /brilliant or bright student/ 秀でる [ひうでる] /excel/ 似ている [にている] /resemble/ 似顔絵 [にがおえ] /portrait/ 似合う [にあう] /go well (with)/ 類似品 [るいじひん] /imitation/ 疑似体験 [ぎじたいけん] /simulated experience/ 傾向 [けいこう] /tendency, trend/ 傾斜 [けいしゃ] /inclination, slant, slope; slant, slope/ 傾倒 [けいとう] /respect (the master of an art, leader of a movement, etc.)/ 傾く [かたむく] /lean, incline/ 気候 [きこう] /weather, climate/ 天候 [てんこう] /weather/ 候補者 [こうほうしゃ] /candidate/ 立候補 [りっこうほ] /run in an election/ 居候 [いそうろう] /freeloader/ 候文 [そうろうぶん] /soro-style writing (formal writing style in the Edo period)/ 修理 [しゅうり] /repair/ 修正 [しゅうせい] /amend, revise, correct, retouch/ 修了 [しゅうりょう] /complete/ 修了証 [しゅうりょうしょう] /certificate of completion of a course/ 研修 [けんしゅう] /study and training; be trained/ 修める [おさまる] /master/ 修業 [しゅぎょう] /(religious, artistic, etc.) training; train oneself/ 偏見 [へんけん] /prejudice, bias/ 偏食 [へんしょく] /have an unbalanced diet/ 偏差値 [へんさち] /deviation value or score/ 偏る [かたよる] /lean, incline/ # end