# Kanji in Context Lesson 097 : 1221-1230 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 頻繁に [ひんぱんに] /frequently/ 頻発 [ひんぱつ] /occur frequently/ 頻出 [ひんしゅつ] /appear frequently/ 頻度 [ひんど] /frequency/ 事項 [じこう] /matters, items/ 項目 [こうもく] /item, heading/ 条項 [じょうこう] /article, clause, provision/ 要項 [ようこう] /guidelines or handbook (on applying to school, etc.)/ 販売 [はんばい] /sell, market, deal in/ 自動販売機 [じどうはんばいき] /vending machine/ 市販 [しはん] /market/ 販路 [はんろ] /market (for goods), outlet/ 贈り物 [おくりもの] /gift/ 贈る [おくる] /give a present/ 贈与税 [ぞうよぜい] /gift tax/ 贈答品 [ぞうとうひん] /gift/ 寄贈 [きそう] /give a present, donate/ 賄賂 [わいろ] /bribe/ 贈賄 [ぞうわい] /giving a bribe, bribery/ 収賄 [しゅうわい] /accepting a bribe, bribery/ 贈収賄事件 [ぞうしゅうわいじけん] /bribery case/ 賄う [まかなう] /cover the cost of, provide (meals, etc.)/ 賄賂 [わいろ] /bribe/ 賢明な [けんめいな] /wise, intelligent/ 賢人会議 [けんじんかいぎ] /wise people's forum/ 良妻賢母 [りょうさいけんぼ] /good wife and wise mother/ 賢い [かしこい] /wise/ 堅い [かたい] /firm, hard, solid/ 堅固な [けんごな] /strong, solid/ 堅実な [けんじつな] /reliable, sound, solid/ 中堅企業 [ちゅうけんきぎょう] /medium-sized company/ 堅持 [けんじ] /hold fast to, adhere to/ 臨時 [りんじの] /temporary, extraordinary/ 臨時国会 [りんじこっかい] /extraordinary session of the Diet/ 臨床心理学 [りんしょうしんりがく] /clinical psychology/ 臨終 [りんじゅう] /one's last moments, one's death/ 臨む [のぞむ] /face (the ocean, a tough situation, etc.)/ 新幹線 [しんかんせん] /the Shinkansen, Japan's bullet train/ 幹部 [かんぶ] /managing staff, executive members, key officers/ 幹事長 [かんじちょう] /secretary-general, executive secretary (of a party)/ 根幹 [こんかん] /basis, root, nucleus/ 語幹 [ごかん] /stem of word/ 幹 [みき] /tree trunk, important part/ # end