# Kanji in Context Lesson 100 : 1251-1261 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 首都圏 [しゅとけん] /metropolitan area/ 共産圏 [きょうさんけん] /the Communist bloc/ 北極圏 [ほっきょくけん] /the Arctic Circle/ 南極圏 [なんきょくけん] /the Antarctic Circle/ 大気圏 [たいきけん] /the atmosphere/ 宇宙 [うちゅう] /the universe, space/ 宇宙 [うちゅう] /the universe, space/ 宙返り [ちゅうがえり] /somersault/ 抽象的な [ちゅうしょうてきな] /abstract/ 抽出 [ちゅうしゅつ] /extract, sample/ 抽選 [ちゅうせん] /lottery, drawing of lots; draw lots, ballot/ 拍手 [はくしゅ] /clap one's hands, applaud/ 拍車 [はくしゃ] /spur/ 脈拍 [みゃくはく] /pulse/ 拍子 [ひょうし] /tempo, time, chance, the moment/ 指摘 [してき] /point out/ 摘出 [てきしゅつ] /extract, take out, remove/ 摘発 [てきはつ] /expose, unmask/ 摘む [つむ] /pick (flowers, berries, etc.)/ 茶摘み [ちゃつみ] /tea picking/ 握手 [あくしゅ] /shake hands/ 握力 [あくりょく] /grasping power, grip/ 掌握 [しょうあく] /hold, command, seize/ 握る [にぎる] /grip, grasp, take hold of/ 探す [さがす] /look for/ 探る [さぐる] /grope for, search/ 探求 [たんきゅう] /investigate/ 探知器 [たんちき] /detector/ 掘る [ほる] /dig/ 発掘 [はっくつ] /excavate/ 採掘 [さいくつ] /mine/ 堀 [ほり] /moat/ 内堀 [うちぼり] /inner moat/ 外堀 [そとぼり] /outer moat/ 釣堀 [つりぼり] /fishing pond/ 埋める [うめる] /bury, fill up/ 埋立地 [うめたてち] /reclaimed land/ 埋もれる [うもれる] /be buried, sink into obscurity/ 埋蔵 [まいそう] /bury (a dead person)/ 埋没 [まいぼつ] /be buried/ 埋蔵金 [まいぞうきん] /money buried in the ground/ # end