# Kanji in Context Lesson 102 : 1272-1280 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 大丈夫 [だいじょうぶ] /all right, okay, safe/ 丈夫な [じょうぶな] /strong, durable, robust/ 背丈 [せたけ] /one's height/ 牧場 [ぼくじょう] /stock farm, ranch, pasture/ 牧草 [ぼくそう] /grass, pasture, meadow/ 放牧 [ほうぼく] /pasture, graze/ 遊牧 [ゆうぼく] /nomadism/ 牧師 [ぼくし] /clergyman, minister/ 牧場 [まきば] /pasture/ 家畜 [かちく] /livestock, domestic animal/ 牧畜業 [ぼくちくぎょう] /stock farming/ 充電 [じゅうでん] /charge or recharge (electricity)/ 充実した [じゅうじつした] /full, complete, satisfying/ 充満 [じゅうまん] /be full of (poisonous gas, etc.)/ 充足 [じゅうそく] /suffice/ 充血 [じゅうけつ] /be bloodshot, be congested/ 拡充 [かくじゅう] /expand, enlarge, amplify/ 充てる [あてる] /assign, use, allot/ 玄関 [げんかん] /front door or entrance porch/ 玄米 [げんまい] /brown rice/ 玄人 [くろうと] /expert, professional, specialist/ 豪雨 [ごうう] /heavy rainfall, torrential downpour/ 豪遊 [ごうゆう] /go on an extravagant spree/ 豪華な [ごうかな] /luxurious, magnificent/ 豪勢な [ごうせい] /luxurious, grand/ 豪州 [ごうしゅう] /Australia/ 盲人 [もうじん] /blind person, the blind/ 色盲 [しきもう] /colorblind/ 文盲 [もんもう] /illiterate/ 盲目の [もうもくの] /blind/ 盲点 [もうてん] /blind spot/ 帽子 [ぼうし] /hat, cap/ 上昇 [じょうしょう] /rise, ascend/ 昇進 [しょうしん] /be promoted/ 昇格 [しょうかく] /be promoted (to an upper rank)/ 昇給 [しょうきゅう] /get a pay raise/ 昇る [のぼる] /rise/ # end