# Kanji in Context Lesson 106 : 1311-1320 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 炊事 [すいじ] /cooking, kitchen work; do the cooking/ 自炊 [じすい] /do one's own cooking/ 炊飯器 [すいはんき] /rice cooker/ 炊く [たく] /cook (rice)/ ~冊 [~さつ] /(counter for books)/ 別冊 [べっさつ] /separate volume/ 分冊 [ぶんさつ] /separate volume/ 短冊 [たんざく] /strip of fancy paper (for writing haiku, etc.)/ 基盤 [きばん] /foundation, base/ 地盤 [じばん] /foundation, base, constituency, sphere of influence/ 円盤 [えんばん] /disk, UFO/ 終盤戦 [しゅうばんせん] /last stage (of a game, election campaign, etc.)/ (お)盆 [(お)ぼん] /the Bon Festival, tray/ 盆地 [ぼんち] /basin/ 盆栽 [ぼんさい] /bonsai, potted dwarf tree/ 煮る [にる] /boil, cook/ 煮える [にえる] /boil, be cooked/ 業を煮やる [ごうをにやる] /become exasperated/ 煮沸 [しゃふつ] /boil/ 署名 [しょめい] /sign/ 警察署 [けいさつしょ] /police office/ 消防署 [しょうぼうしょ] /fire station/ 財務署 [ざいむしょ] /tax office/ 罰 [ばつ] /punishment/ 罰する [ばっする] /punish, chastise/ 罰金 [ばっきん] /fine/ 体罰 [たいばつ] /corporal or physical punishment/ 罰 [ばち] /divine punishment, curse, retribution/ 大型 [おおがた] /large (truck, machine, etc.)/ 中型 [ちゅうがた] /medium (truck, machine, etc.)/ 小型 [こがた] /small (truck, machine, etc.)/ 型 [かた] /type, model/ 典型な的 [てんけいてきな] /typical/ 原型 [げんけい] /prototype/ 類型的な [るいけいてきな] /stereotypical/ 刺す [さす] /pierce, stab/ 刺さる [ささる] /stick, pierce/ 刺し身 [さしみ] /sliced raw fish/ 名刺 [めいし] /business card/ 風刺 [ふうし] /satire; satirized/ 刺激 [しげき] /stimulate, incite, irritate/ 削減 [さくげん] /reduce/ 削除 [さくじょ] /delete/ 削る [けずる] /sharpen (a pencil), plane, curtail, cut down/ 鉛筆削り [えんぴつけずり] /pencil sharpener/ # end