# Kanji in Context Lesson 107 : 1321-1331 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 過剰な [かじょうな] /excessive/ 余剰人員 [よじょうじんいん] /superfluous/ 剰余金 [じょうよきん] /surplus (fund)/ 垂直の [すいちょくの] /vertical, perpendicular/ 垂線 [すいせん] /perpendicular line/ 雨垂れ [あまだれ] /raindrops (from a tree, roof, etc.)/ 垂らす [たらす] /drip (as in sweat, saliva, etc.)/ 中華料理 [ちゅうかりょうり] /Chinese food/ 中華思想 [ちゅうかしそう] /belief that China is the center of the world or civilization/ 中華民国 [ちゅうかんみんこく] /People's Republic of China/ 華道 [かどう] /the Japanese art of flower arrangement/ 華やかな [はなやかな] /flowery, brilliant/ 香華 [こうげ] /incense and flowers/ 兼任 [けんにん] /hold two posts simultaneously/ 首相兼外相 [しゅしょうげんがいしょう] /prime minister who is also the foreign minister/ 兼ねる [かねる] /double as/ 嫌いな [きらいな] /dislike/ 好き嫌い [すききらい] /likes and dislikes/ 嫌う [きらう] /dislike, hate/ 嫌悪感 [けんおかん] /disgust/ 機嫌 [きげん] /mood/ 嫌な [いやな] /disagreeable, unpleasant, disgusting/ 尋ねる [たずねる] /inquire/ 尋問 [じんもん] /question, examine/ 尋常な [じんじょうな] /ordinary/ 寿命 [じゅみょう] /lifespan/ 長寿 [ちょうじゅ] /longevity/ 寿 [ことぶき] /congratulations, longevity/ 寿司 [すし] /sushi/ 戦闘 [せんとう] /battle, combat/ 戦闘機 [せんとうき] /fighter (plane)/ 階級闘争 [かいきゅうとうそう] /class struggle/ 春闘 [しゅんとう] /spring labor offensive/ 闘う [たたかう] /fight, struggle, battle/ 娯楽 [ごらく] /amusement, entertainment/ 妊娠 [にんしん] /become pregnant/ 妊婦 [にんぷ] /pregnant woman/ 避妊 [ひにん] /contraception; prevent conception, practice birth ontrol/ 妊娠 [にんしん] /become pregnant/ 人工妊娠中絶 [じんこうにんしんちゅうぜつ] /abortion/ # end