# Kanji in Context Lesson 110 : 1352-1360 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 肥料 [ひりょう] /fertilizer/ 肥満 [ひまん] /grow fat/ 肥大化 [ひだいか] /enlarge/ 肥える [こえる] /grow fat, grow fertile/ 肥やす [こやす] /fertilize/ 肥やし [こやし] /manure, night soil/ 肥 [こえ] /manure, night soil/ 文脈 [ぶんみゃく] /context/ 人脈 [じみゃく] /line of personal connections/ 脈 [みゃく] /pulse, pulsation, vein/ 動脈 [どうみゃく] /artery/ 静脈 [じょうみゃく] /vein/ 不整脈 [ふせいみゃく] /irregular pulse/ 山脈 [さんみゃく] /mountain range/ 膨大な [ぼうだいな] /enormous amount of/ 膨張 [ぼうちょう] /expand, swell/ 膨らむ [ふくらむ] /swell, expand/ 膨らます [ふくらます] /blow up (a balloon)/ 選択肢 [せんたくし] /choices, options/ 四肢 [しし] /the limbs/ 枯れる [かれる] /wither/ 枯れ葉 [かれは] /dead or withered leaf/ 枯れ木 [かれき] /dead or withered tree/ 栄枯盛衰 [えいこせいすい] /ups and downs, rises and falls/ 杉 [すぎ] /Japanese cedar/ 杉並木 [すぎなみき] /row of cedar trees/ 杉並区 [すぎなみく] /Suginami Ward (in Tokyo)/ 彫刻 [ちょうこく] /sculpture; carve, engrave/ 彫金 [ちょうきん] /metal engraving/ 彫る [ほる] /carve/ 木彫り [こぼり] /wood carving/ 浮き彫り [うきぼり] /relief/ 髪の毛 [かみのけ] /hair (on the head)/ 白髪の [はくはつの] /gray-haired/ 白髪 [しらが] /gray hair, white hair/ 珍しい [めずらしい] /rare, unusual/ 珍品 [ちんぴん] /rarity/ 珍味 [しんみ] /dainty, delicacy/ 珍客 [しんきゃく] /welcome guest/ # end