# Kanji in Context Lesson 111 : 1361-1371 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 診察 [しんさつ] /medical examination; examine (a patient)/ 診断 [しんだん] /diagnose/ 検診 [けんしん] /medical examination; examine (a person's) body/ 打診 [だしん] /tap, sound out (a person on a matter)/ 往信 [おうしん] /(doctor's) house call; make a house call/ 診る [みる] /examine, diagnose/ 治療 [ちりょう] /medical treatment, therapy; treat, cure, remedy/ 医療費 [いりょうひ] /medical expenses/ 診療所 [しんりょうじょ] /clinic/ 療養所 [りょうようじょ] /sanitarium, nursing home/ 症状 [しょうじょう] /symptom/ 病症 [びょうしょう] /condition of a disease or patient/ 不眠症 [ふみんしょう] /insomnia/ 自閉症 [じへいしょう] /autism/ 症候群 [しょうこうぐん] /syndrome/ 癖 [くせ] /personal habit/ 盗癖 [とうへき] /propensity to steal, kleptomania/ 潔癖性の [けっぺきしょうの] /fastidious about cleanliness/ 避難 [ひなん] /take refuge/ 避妊 [ひにん] /contraception; prevent contraception, practice birth control/ 回避 [かいひ] /avoid/ 不可避の [ふかひの] /unavoidable/ 避ける [さける] /avoid/ 恥ずかしい [かずかしい] /be embarrassed, be ashamed/ 恥 [はじ] /shame, disgrace/ 恥じる [はじる] /feel shame/ 恥じらう [はじらう] /be shy/ 羞恥心 [しゅうちしん] /sense of shame, modesty/ 患者 [かんじゃ] /patient/ 患部 [かんぶ] /affected or diseased part/ 長患い [ながわずらい] /long illness/ 殺菌 [さっきん] /sterilize/ 無菌の [むきんの] /germ-free, sterilized/ 菌 [きん] /germ, bacterium, fungus/ 細菌 [さいきん] /bacterium, germ/ 別荘 [べっそう] /country villa, summer house/ 山荘 [さんそう] /mountain villa or retreat/ 荘重な [そうちょうな] /solemn, grave/ 荘厳な [そうごんな] /solemn, majestic, impressive/ 服装 [ふくそう] /(style of) dress, clothes/ 変装 [へんそう] /disguise/ 武装 [ぶそう] /armament; arm/ 装飾 [そうしょく] /ornament, decorated; decorate/ 装置 [そうち] /device, apparatus, equipment/ 衣装 [いしょう] /costume, (wedding) dress/ 装う [よそおう] /wear, feign, pretent/ 分裂 [ぶんれつ] /break up, disunite/ 破裂 [はれつ] /burst, explode/ 決裂 [けつれつ] /break down (in negotiations)/ 裂ける [さける] /tear, split, rip/ 裂け目 [さけめ] /split, crack/ # end