# Kanji in Context Lesson 113 : 1381-1391 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 孤独な [こどくな] /lonely, solitary/ 孤立 [こりつ] /be isolated/ 孤島 [ことう] /solitary island/ 孤児 [こじ] /orphan/ 孤児院 [こじいん] /orphanage/ 触る [さわる] /touch/ 触れる [ふれる] /touch/ 接触 [せっしょく] /touch, be in contact with/ 感触 [かんしょく] /touch, feel/ 抵触 [ていしょく] /conflict (with the law)/ 踊る [おどる] /dance/ 踊り子 [おどりこ] /dancer/ 日本舞踊 [にほんぶよう] /Japanese dancing/ 活躍 [かつやく] /be active/ 暗躍 [あんやく] /be active behind the scenes/ 躍進 [やくしん] /advance by leaps and bounds/ 飛躍 [ひやく] /leap, jump, progress rapidly/ 躍動 [やくどう] /move lively/ 躍り出る [おどりでる] /appear heroically/ 焦点 [しょうてん] /focal point, focus/ 焦げる [こげる] /become scorched/ 焦がす [こがす] /burn, scorch, char/ 焦る [あせる] /be hasty, be impatient/ 焦がれる [こがれる] /yearn for/ 駐車場 [ちゅうさじょう] /parking lot/ 駐日大使 [ちゅうにちたいし] /Ambassador to Japan/ 悪循環 [あくじゅんかん] /vicious circle/ 血液循環 [けつえきじゅんかん] /blood circulation/ 循環器 [じゅんかんき] /circulatory organ/ 衝突 [しょうとつ] /collide/ 衝撃 [しょうげき] /shock/ 衝動的な [しょうどうてきな] /impulsive/ 折衝 [せっしょう] /negotiation, adjustment; negotiate/ 緩衝地帯 [かんしょうちたい] /buffer zone/ 征服 [せいふく] /conquer/ 征服者 [せいふくしゃ] /conquerer/ 出生 [しゅっせい] /go to the front/ 徐々に [じょじょに] /gradually, slowly/ 徐行 [じょこう] /drive slowly/ 斜面 [しゃめん] /slope/ 斜線 [しゃせん] /slanting line, slash/ 斜陽産業 [しゃようさんぎょう] /declining industry/ 斜め [ななめ] /slanting, diagonal/ # end