# Kanji in Context Lesson 120 : 1481-1500 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 意気揚々と [いきようようと] /triumphant/ 抑揚 [よくよう] /intonation/ 揚げる [あげる] /raise, hoist, fry/ 荷揚げ [にあげ] /unloading/ 揚がる [あがる] /go up, rise, be fried/ 摂取 [せっしゅ] /take in or adopt (a foreign custom, etc.)/ 包摂 [ほうせつ] /subsume/ 摂氏 [せっし] /centigrade, Celsius/ 摂政 [せっしょう] /regent, regency/ 搭乗券 [とうじょうけん] /boarding pass/ 搭載 [とうさい] /be armed with (missiles, etc.)/ 搾取 [さくしゅ] /exploit/ 圧搾器 [あっさくき] /(hydraulic, etc.) press/ 搾る [しぼる] /squeeze/ 操作 [そうさ] /operate, manipulate, handle/ 操縦 [そうじゅう] /steer, fly (an airplane)/ 体操 [たいそう] /gymnastics, stretching/ 節操 [せっそう] /chastity, integrity/ 操り人形 [あやつりにんぎょう] /puppet/ 操る [あやつる] /handle/ 操 [みさお] /chastity, virginity/ 携帯電話 [けいたいでんわ] /portable phone/ 技術提携 [ぎじゅつていけい] /technological cooperation/ 業務提携 [ぎょうむていけい] /business cooperation/ 携える [たずさえる] /have or carry something with/ 携わる [たずさわる] /have a hand in, be involved in, participate in/ 運搬 [うんぱん] /transport/ 搬入 [はんにゅう] /carry or bring something in/ 搬出 [はんしゅつ] /carry something out/ 撤回 [てっかい] /withdraw, take back/ 撤去 [てっきょ] /withdraw, remove, take away/ 撤退 [てったい] /withdraw, evacuate, pull out/ 撤兵 [てっぺい] /withdraw troop, pull troops out/ 相撲 [すもう] /sumo/ 打撲傷 [だぼくしょう] /bruise/ 撲殺 [ぼくさつ] /beat to death/ 撲滅 [ぼくめつ] /exterminate/ 擁護 [ようご] /protect, safeguard, defend/ 擁立 [ようりつ] /have one's leader stand as a candidate/ 抱擁 [ほうよう] /embrace/ 汽船 [きせん] /steamship/ 汽車 [きしゃ] /train/ 汽笛 [きてき] /whistle/ 分泌 [ぶんぴつ] /secrete/ 内分泌 [ないぶんぴつ] /internal secretion/ 泌尿器科 [ひにょうきか] /urology department/ 泥棒 [どろぼう] /thief, robber/ 泥 [どろ] /mud/ 泥沼 [どろぬま] /bog, quagmire, morass (of difficulties)/ 雲泥の差 [うんでいのさ] /completely different (in quality)/ 泥土 [でいど] /mud, muddy soil/ 拘泥 [こうでい] /adhere or stick to/ 沸く [わく] /be boiling, be ready (as in bath water)/ 沸かす [わかす] /heat up, boil/ 湯沸かし器 [ゆわかしき] /water heater/ 沸点 [ふってん] /boiling point/ 煮沸 [しゃふつ] /boil/ 沸騰 [ふっとう] /boil/ 浄化 [じょうか] /purify, clean up/ 浄化槽 [じょうかそう] /purification tank/ 清浄な [せいじょうな] /clean and pure/ 不浄な [ふじょうな] /unclean, impure/ 水浸しになる [みずびたしになる] /be inundated with water/ 浸す [ひたす] /soak, moisten/ 浸る [ひたる] /be immersed/ 浸水 [しんすい] /be flooded or inundated/ 浸透 [しんとう] /penetrate, infiltrate, permeate/ 生涯 [しょうがい] /one's life, one's lifetime/ 渦 [うず] /eddy, whirlpool, vortex/ 渦巻き [うずまき] /eddy, whirlpool, vortex/ 渦巻く [うずまく] /swirl, eddy/ 渦中の人 [かちゅうのひと] /the person concerned or invovled/ 溝 [みぞ] /ditch, gutter/ 排水溝 [はいすいこう] /drainage/ 下水溝 [げすいこう] /sewer/ 絶滅 [ぜつめつ] /become extinct/ 消滅 [しょうめつ] /be extinguished, disappear/ 滅亡 [めつぼう] /perish, fall into ruin, die out/ 滅多に [めったに] /seldom/ 幻滅 [げんめつ] /be disillusioned/ 滅びる [ほろびる] /perish, fall into ruin, die out/ 滅ぼす [ほろぼす] /ruin, destroy, overthrow, annihilate/ # end