# Kanji in Context Lesson 122 : 1521-1540 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 陛下 [へいか] /His or Her Majesty/ 欠陥 [けっかん] /defect, fault, flaw/ 陥落 [かんらく] /fall, surrender/ 陥没 [かんぼつ] /subside, sink, cave in/ 陥る [おちいる] /fall into/ 陥れる [おとしいれる] /entrap, capture/ 陣痛 [じんつう] /labor pains/ 陣頭 [じんとう] /front, head/ 東側陣営 [ひがしがわじんえい] /Eastern or communist camp/ 陣 [じん] /camp, formation, position/ 陳列 [ちんれつ] /exhibit, display/ 陳謝 [ちんしゃ] /apologize/ 陳腐な [ちんぷな] /old-fashioned, commonplace, trite, stale/ 陳情 [ちんじょう] /petition/ 陰気な [いんきな] /gloomy, melancholic/ 陰性 [いんせい] /negative (in a medical test)/ 山陰地方 [さんいんちほう] /the San'in region (the Japan Sea side of the western part of Honshu)/ 陰 [かげ] /shade, behind the scenes/ 日陰 [ひかげ] /shade/ 陰る [かげる] /be shaded (by a cloud)/ 陰り [かげり] /clouds (on one's happiness, business prospects, etc.)/ 陶器 [とうき] /pottery, earthenware, ceramics/ 陶酔 [とうすい] /be charmed, fascinated, intoxicated/ 薫陶 [くんとう] /tutelage, guidance, education/ 旋律 [せんりつ] /melody/ 旋回 [せんかい] /turn, circle, revolve/ 周旋 [しゅうせん] /mediation, good offices; mediate/ 国旗 [こっき] /national flag/ 校旗 [こうき] /school flag/ 旗艦 [きかん] /flagship/ 旗 [はた] /flag/ 手旗 [てばた] /semaphore flag/ 旗色 [はたいろ] /tide or fortune or outlook or situation of war/ 素朴な [そぼくな] /unaffected/ 純朴な [じゅんぼくな] /pure and unaffected/ 中枢神経 [ちゅうすうしんけい] /the centeral nervous system/ 中枢 [ちゅうすう] /pivot, hub/ 枢密院 [すうみついん] /the Privy Council/ 枢軸国 [すうじくこく] /the Axis powers/ 栓抜き [せんぬき] /bottle opener/ 栓 [せん] /cork, bottle cap/ 消火栓 [しょうかせん] /fire hydrant/ 桟橋 [さんばし] /pier, jetty/ 病棟 [びょうとう] /hospital ward/ 別棟 [べつむね] /another building/ 棟 [むね] /ridge of a roof/ ~棟 [~むね] /(counter for houses)/ 棟木 [むなぎ] /ridgepole, rooftree/ 出棺 [しゅっかん] /carry out a coffin from a house or temple/ 棺桶 [かんおけ] /coffin/ 将棋 [しょうぎ] /shogi, Japanese chess/ 棚 [たな] /shlef/ 戸棚 [とだな] /cupboard, cabinet/ 棚上げにする [たなあげにする] /put aside, suspend/ 浴槽 [よくそう] /bathtub/ 水槽 [すいそう] /aquarium, water tank/ 投書欄 [とうしょらん] /readers' column/ 欄外 [らんがい] /margin/ 空欄 [くうらん] /blank/ 欄干 [らんかん] /banister, railing/ 殉教 [じゅんきょう] /die a martyr/ 殉教者 [じゅんきょうしゃ] /martyr/ 殉死 [じゅんし] /kill oneself after the death of one's lord or master/ 殉職 [じゅんしょく] /die at one's post, be killed in the line of duty/ 養殖 [ようしょく] /breed, raise, cultivate/ 生殖器 [せいしょくき] /sexual or generative organ/ 利殖 [りしょく] /moneymaking/ 殖産 [しょくさん] /promotion of industry/ 殖やす [ふやす] /increase/ 殖える [ふえる] /increase/ # end