# Kanji in Context Lesson 124 : 1561-1580 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 紛糾 [ふんきゅう] /become entangled/ 糾弾 [きゅうだん] /impeach/ 紺 [こん] /dark blue, navy blue/ 濃紺 [のうこん] /dark blue, navy blue/ 紡績業 [ぼうせきぎょう] /the spinning industry/ 混紡 [こんぼう] /mixed spinning/ 紡ぐ [つむぐ] /spin, make yarn/ 波紋 [はもん] /ripple, sensation/ 指紋 [しもん] /fingerprint/ 紋章 [もんしょう] /crest/ 紋切り型の [もんきりがたの] /conventional sterotyped, formal/ 絞る [しぼる] /squeeze, wring, press/ 絞める [しめる] /strangle/ 絞まる [しまる] /feel choked/ 絞殺 [こうさつ] /strangle to death/ 絞首刑 [こうしゅけい] /hanging/ 横綱 [よこづな] /yokozuna, the grand-champion of sumo wrestling/ 綱 [つな] /rope, line/ 大綱 [たいこう] /general principles/ 綱領 [こうりょう] /party platform, general principles/ 綱紀粛正 [こうきしゅくせい] /enforcement of the land of the land/ 網 [あみ] /net/ 網戸 [あみど] /screen door/ 投網 [とあみ] /casting net/ 通信網 [つうしんもう] /communications network/ 網膜 [もうまく] /retina/ 漁網 [ぎょもう] /fishing net/ 沖縄 [おきなわ] /Okinawa/ 縄 [なわ] /rope, cord/ 縄張 [なわばり] /territory, sphere of influence/ 縄文式土器 [じょうもんしきどき] /straw-rope pattern pottery/ 自縄自縛になる [じじょうじばくになる] /lose one's freedom of action as a result of one's own actions/ 束縛 [そくばく] /restrict, restrain/ 捕縛 [じばく] /arrest/ 縛る [しばる] /bind, tie, fasten, restrict, restrain/ 経緯 [けいい] /circumstances, background, details/ 緯度 [いど] /lattitude/ 北緯 [ほくい] /north lattitude/ 南緯 [なんい] /south lattitude/ 裁縫 [さいほう] /sewing, needlework/ 縫製 [ほうせい] /sew/ 縫合 [ほうごう] /suture/ 縫う [ぬう] /sew/ 縫い目 [ぬいめ] /seam, stitch/ 修繕 [しゅうぜん] /mend, repair/ 繕う [つくろう] /repair, hem/ 繕い [つくろい] /repairing, hemming/ 船舶 [せんぱく] /vessel, ship/ 舶来の [はくらいの] /foreign-made, imported/ 信託銀行 [しんたくぎんこう] /trust bank/ 託す [たくす] /entrust (someone with a matter); consignment/ 嘱託 [しょくたく] /contract-based employee/ 託宣 [たくせん] /oracle/ 託す [たくす] /entrsut (someone with something), commit to the care of/ 託児所 [たくじしょ] /public nursery/ 詐称 [さしょう] /make a false statement regarding one's educational background, age, name, etc./ 詐欺 [さぎ] /fraud, swindling/ 缶詰 [かんづめ] /canned food/ 詰める [つめる] /stuff, cram, pack into/ 見詰める [みつめる] /stare or gaze at, fix one's eyes on/ 詰め込む [つめこむ] /cram, load, squeeze into/ 詰め物 [つめもの] /stuffing, filling/ 詰まる [つまる] /be stuffed or full or packed or blocked/ 行き詰まる [いきづまる] /come to a deadlock/ 詰む [つむ] /be stuffed or full or packed or blocked/ 詰問 [きつもん] /cross-examine, question closely/ 難詰 [なんきつ] /blame/ 該当する [がいとうする] /relevant, applicable/ 当該の [とうがいの] /concerned/ 承諾 [しょうだく] /consent, agree/ 受諾 [じゅだく] /accept/ 快諾 [かいだく] /give ready consent/ 諾否 [だくひ] /acceptance or refusal/ 説諭 [せつゆ] /admonish, reprove/ 教諭 [きょうゆ] /school teacher/ 諭旨免職 [ゆしめんしょく] /resignation done at the suggestion of one's superior/ 諭す [さとす] /admonish, remonstrate, warn, counsel/ 諮問機関 [しもんきかん] /advisory body/ 諮る [はかる] /consult, ask for advice/ # end