# Kanji in Context Lesson 125 : 1581-1600 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 謙譲の美徳 [けんじょうのびとく] /virtue of modesty or humility/ 謙虚な [けんきょな] /modest, humble/ 謙遜 [けんそん] /be modest or humble/ 謹賀新年 [きんがしんねん] /Happy New Year/ 謹慎 [きんしん] /conduct oneself with best behavior, confine oneself home in penitance/ 慎む [つつしむ] /be respectful, be humble/ 楽譜 [がくふ] /score/ 譜面 [ふめん] /sheet music/ 系譜 [けいふ] /genealogy/ 年譜 [ねんぷ] /chronological history/ 海賊 [かいぞく] /pirate/ 海賊版 [かいぞくばん] /pirated edition/ 盗賊 [とうぞく] /burglar, robber/ 賊 [ぞく] /robber, rebel/ 賊軍 [ぞくぐん] /rebel army/ 天賦の才 [てんぷのさい] /natural endowments/ 賦役 [ふえき] /imposed labor/ 月賦 [げっぷ] /monthly installment/ 跳ぶ [とぶ] /jump, leap/ 縄跳び [なわとび] /rope skipping/ 跳ねる [はねる] /leap, jump/ 跳躍 [ちょうやく] /jump/ 足跡 [あしあと] /footprint/ 足跡 [そくせき] /footprint, track/ 跡 [あと] /trace, ruins, remains/ 遺跡 [いせき] /ruins, remains/ 名所旧跡 [めいしょうきゅうせき] /famous places and remains/ 追跡 [ついせき] /chase, run after/ 実践 [じっせん] /practice/ 軸 [じく] /pivot, spindle, axle, scroll/ 地軸 [ちじく] /earth's axis/ 車軸 [しゃじく] /axle/ 枢軸国 [すうじくこく] /the Axis powers/ 管轄 [かんかつ] /control, jurisdiction; have jurisdiction or control/ 所轄官庁 [しょかつかんちょう] /the competant authorities/ 直轄領 [ちょっかつりょう] /districts under the direct control of the Shogunate government/ 晩酌 [ばんしゃく] /have a drink at supper/ 情状酌量 [じょうじょうしゃくりょう] /making allowances in consideration of the cirumstances/ 媒酌人 [ばいしゃくにん] /matchmaker/ 事情を酌む [じじょうをくむ] /take someone's circumstances into consideration/ 酢 [す] /vinegar/ 酢の物 [すのもの] /vinegared dish/ 酢酸 [さくさん] /acetic acid/ 酪農 [らくのう] /dairy farming/ 酪製品 [らくせいひん] /dairy products/ 報酬 [ほうしゅう] /reward/ 応酬 [おうしゅう] /exchange (heated words)/ 酵素 [こうそ] /enzyme/ 発酵 [はっこう] /ferment/ 酵母(菌) [こうぼ(きん)] /yeast/ 残酷な [ざんこくな] /merciless, cruel/ 冷酷な [れいこくな] /heartless, cruel/ 酷似 [こくじ] /be very much like, be similar (in appearance)/ 酷使 [こくし] /work someone very hard/ 植木鉢 [うえきばち] /flower pot/ 鉢 [はち] /bowl, pot, flower pot/ 托鉢 [たくはつ] /religious mendicancy; beg for alms/ 銭湯 [せんとう] /bathhouse/ 金銭の授受 [きんせんのじゅじゅ] /giving and receiving of money/ 小銭 [こぜに] /small change/ 銃 [じゅう] /gun/ 小銃 [しょうじゅう] /rifle/ 銃弾 [じゅうだん] /bullet/ 銃声 [じゅうせい] /the sound of a gunshot/ 銃刀法 [じゅうとうほう] /gun and sword restriction law/ 拳銃 [けんじゅう] /pistol, handgun/ 銘柄 [めいがら] /brand, name, issue/ 感銘を受ける [かんめいをうける] /be deeply impressed/ 銘記 [めいき] /bear in mind/ 銘々 [めいめい] /each, each respectively/ # end