# Kanji in Context Lesson 127 : 1621-1640 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 邦画 [ほうが] /Japanese film/ 邦楽 [ほうがく] /Japanese music/ 連邦政府 [れんぼうせいふ] /federal government/ 旧ソビエト連邦 [きゅうソビエトれんぼう] /the former Soviet Union or U.S.S.R./ 本邦初公開 [ほんぽうはつのうかい] /first appearance in this country/ 勇敢に [ゆうかんに] /bravely, heroically, courageously/ 果敢に [かかんに] /boldly/ 敢然と [かんぜんと] /boldly, resolutely, bravely, fearlessly/ 詐欺 [さぎ] /fraud, swindling/ 欺く [あざむく] /deceive/ 円借款 [えんしゃっかん] /yen loan/ 定款 [ていかん] /articles of association, certificate of incorporation/ 殴る [なぐる] /beat, punch/ 殴打 [おうだ] /give a blow, hit/ 貝殻 [かいがら] /seashell/ 殻 [から] /shell, husk/ 地殻変動 [ちかくへんどう] /alteration of the earth's crust/ 甲殻類 [こうかくるい] /crustaceans/ 穀物 [こくもつ] /grain, cereal, corn/ 雑穀 [ざっこく] /cereals/ 朗読 [ろうどく] /recite/ 朗報 [ろうほう] /good news, glad tidings/ 朗々と [ろうろうと] /sonorously, clearly/ 明朗な [めいろうな] /cheerful/ 朗らかな [ほがらかな] /cheerful, bright/ 泡 [あわ] /foam, bubble, froth/ 泡立つ [あわだつ] /froth, lather/ 水泡 [すいほう] /foam, bubble/ 気泡 [きほう] /airbubble, blowhole/ 発泡スチロール [はっぽうスチロール] /styrofoam/ 細胞 [さいぼう] /cell/ 胞子 [ほうし] /spore/ 同胞 [どうほう] /compatrior, fellow countryman/ 大砲 [たいほう] /artillery gun, cannon/ 鉄砲 [てっぽう] /gun, rifle/ 砲撃 [ほうげき] /bombard, fire at/ 飽きる [あきる] /get tired or, be weary of, lose interest/ 飽きっぽい [あきっぽい] /easily bored, fickle/ 暇に飽かして [ひまにあかして] /being weary of staying home and doing nothing/ 飽和状態 [ほうわじょうたい] /saturation, completely full/ 飽食の時代 [ほうしょくのじだい] /an age of gluttony/ 噴水 [ふんすい] /fountain, jet of water/ 噴火 [ふんか] /(volcanic) eruption/ 噴出 [ふんしゅつ] /spew, gush, spurt out/ 噴射 [ふんしゃ] /shoot out, spray/ 噴き出す [ふきだす] /spurt out, burst into laughter/ 憤慨 [ふんがい] /be indignant, resent/ 発憤 [はっぷん] /be roused, be stimulated/ 義憤 [ぎふん] /righteous indignation/ 憤る [いきどおる] /get any, resent, be indignant/ 憤り [いきどおり] /resentment, indignation, anger/ 批准 [ひじゅん] /ratify/ 准将 [じゅんしょう] /brigadier general/ 唯一の [ゆいいつの] /only, sole/ 唯物論 [ゆいぶつろん] /materialism (in philosophical terms)/ 唯物史観 [ゆいぶつしかん] /historical materialism/ 唯々諾々として [いいだくだくとして] /obediently, tamely, submissively/ 英雄 [えいゆう] /hero/ 雄大な [ゆうだいな] /magnificent, majestic, grand/ 雄 [おす] /male (for animals)/ 雄犬 [おすいぬ] /male dog/ 雄花 [おばな] /male flower/ 雄牛 [おうし] /ox/ 雄しべ [おしべ] /stamen/ 雄々しい [おおしい] /brave/ 雄飛 [ゆうひ] /do something great/ 優雅な [ゆうがな] /elegant, graceful, refined/ 風雅 [ふうが] /elegance, refined taste/ 雅楽 [ががく] /gagaku (Japanese ceremonial court music)/ 雌 [めす] /female (for animals)/ 雌犬 [めすいぬ] /female dog/ 雌花 [めばな] /female flower/ 雌牛 [めうし] /cow/ 雌しべ [めしべ] /pistil/ 雌雄 [しゆう] /male or female, superior or inferior/ 雌伏 [しふく] /lie dormant, remain inactive/ 培養基 [ばいようき] /culture medium/ 培養液 [ばいようえき] /culture liquid/ 栽培 [さいばい] /cultivate, grow/ 培う [つちかう] /cultivate, nurture, breed, raise, grow/ # end