# Kanji in Context Lesson 128 : 1641-1660 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 陪席 [ばいせき] /sit with one's superior/ 陪審員 [ばいしんいん] /juror, member of the jury/ 陪審制度 [ばいしんせいど] /jury system/ 賠償金 [ばいしょうきん] /indemnity, reparations/ 損害賠償 [そんがいばいしょう] /compensation for damages/ 頂上 [ちょうじょう] /top, summit, peak/ 頂点 [ちょうてん] /climax, apex, vertex, zenith/ 絶頂 [ぜっちょう] /climax, height/ 頂く [いただく] /be given, receive, eat, drink (humble)/ 頂 [いただき] /top, summit, peak/ 頑張る [がんばる] /try hard, not give up, persist/ 頑固な [がんこな] /obstinate, stubborn/ 頑強な [がんきょうな] /obstinate, stubborn/ 頑健な [がんけんな] /very strong, robust, sturdy/ 頑丈な [がんじょうな] /strong, sturdy/ 頒布 [はんぷ] /distribute, circulate/ 頒価 [はんか] /handling cost for a non-profit publication or mail-order product, etc./ 煩雑な [はんざつな] /troublesome/ 煩悩 [ぼんのう] /carnal desire, worldy passions, lust/ 煩わしい [わずらわしい] /troublesome, annoying, cumbersome/ 煩わす [わずらわす] /trouble, bother, annoy/ 煩う [わずらう] /have trouble, be troubled/ 思い煩う [おもいわすらう] /worry, be annoyed/ 顕微鏡 [けにきょう] /microscope/ 顕著な [けんちょな] /remarkable, significant/ 顧問 [こもん] /consultant, advisor, counsellor, teacher in charge of a club/ 回顧 [かいこ] /retrospect/ 顧慮 [こりょ] /consider, regard/ 顧みる [かえりみる] /look back on, reflect upon/ お嬢さん [おじょうさん] /young lady, (your, his, her) daughter (honorific)/ 令嬢 [れいじょう] /(your, his, her) daughter/ 土壌 [どじょう] //soil 醸造酒 [じょうぞうしゅ] /alcoholic beverage made by fermentation/ 醸成 [じょうせい] /brew, cause, bring about/ 醸し出す [かもしだす] /brew, cause, bring about, arouse/ 料亭 [りょうてい] /traditional Japanese-style restaurant/ 亭主 [ていしゅ] /one's husband (vulgar expression), host of a tea ceremony/ 放棄 [ほうき] /give up, abandon, relinquish/ 廃棄 [はいき] /do away with, abolish, abandon, scrap/ 産業廃棄物 [さんぎょうはいきぶつ] /industrial waste/ 核廃棄物 [かくはいきぶつ] /nuclear waste/ 死体遺棄 [したいいき] /abandonment of a dead body/ 棄権 [きけん] /abstain (from voting), withdraw (from a contest)/ 棄却 [ききゃく] /reject, abandon, dismiss/ 校舎 [こうしゃ] /schoolhouse, school building/ 官舎 [かんしゃ] /official residence/ 宿舎 [しゅくしゃ] /lodgings, quarters/ 寄宿舎 [きしゅくしゃ] /dormitory/ 舎監 [しゃかん] /dormitory superintendent/ 田舎 [いなか] /coutryside, rural district, one's hometown/ 傘 [かさ] /umbrella, parasol/ 雨傘 [あまがさ] /umbrella/ 日傘 [ひがさ] /parasol, sunshade/ 傘下 [さんか] /under the umbrella or banner (of)/ 落下傘 [らっかさん] /parachute/ 冠詞 [かんし] /(definite or indefinite) article/ 王冠 [おうかん] /crown/ 栄冠 [えいかん] /crown, laurels/ 冠 [かんむり] /crown, coronet/ 贈呈 [ぞうてい] /present/ 進呈 [しんてい] /present/ 露呈 [ろてい] /be revealed/ 便宜 [べんぎ] /convenience/ 適宜 [てきぎ] /properly, suitably, at one's (own) discretion/ 宰相 [さいしょう] /prime minister/ 宰領 [さいりょう] /organize, supervise, oversee/ 主宰 [しゅさい] /preside over, supervise, run/ 寡占市場 [かせんしじょう] /oligopolistic market/ 寡黙な [かもくな] /taciturn/ 寡婦 [かふ] /widow/ 多寡 [たか] /quantity/ # end