# Kanji in Context Lesson 129 : 1661-1680 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 審判 [しんぱん] /umpire, judge/ 主審 [しゅしん] /chief umpire/ 副審 [ふくしん] /assistant umpire/ 審議 [しんぎ] /discussion (at a government assembly); discuss/ 不審な [ふしんな] /suspicious/ 貴賓室 [きひんしつ] /VIP room/ 主賓 [しゅひん] /guest of honor/ 来賓 [らいひん] /guest or visitor (at an official ceremony)/ 崩壊 [ほうかい] /collapse, disintegrate/ 崩御 [ほうぎょ] /(the emperor) passes away/ 崩れる [くずれる] /crumble, fall to pieces, collapse, break/ 山崩れ [やまくずれ] /landslide/ 崩す [くずす] /demolish, change or break (a large bill), write characters in running style/ 雪崩 [なだれ] /snowslide, avalanche/ 崇拝 [すうはい] /worship, venerate, adore, admire/ 偶像崇拝 [ぐうぞうすうはい] /idolatry, idol worship/ 崇高な理念 [すうこうなりけん] /lofty or sublime idea/ 芳香 [ほうこう] /fragrance/ 芳しくない [かんばしくない] /not good, poor, bad (performance, reputation, etc.)/ 荒れる [あれる] /become rough, be ruined, rage, run wild, be stormy, be devastated/ 荒れち [あれち] /wasteland, barren land/ 大荒れ [おおあれ] /raging storm or temper/ 荒らす [あらす] /devastate, lay waste, damage/ 荒い [あらい] /rude, wild, rough, savage/ 荒波 [あらなみ] /raging waves, rough waters, heavy sea/ 荒々しい [あらあらしい] /wild, fierce/ 荒廃 [こうはい] /be devastated, go to ruin/ 荒天 [こうてん] /stormy weather/ 荒涼とした [こうりょうとした] /desolate, dreary, deserted, inhospitable/ お菓子 [おかし] /candy, cake/ 慕う [したう] /admire, love dearly, yearn for, idolize/ 慕わしい [したわしい] /dear, beloved/ 慕情 [ぼじょう] /longing, affection, love/ 敬慕 [けいぼ] /admire/ 思慕 [しぼ] /long for/ 冒険 [ぼうけん] /adventure; have an adventure/ 冒頭 [ぼうとう] /opening, beginning/ 感冒 [かんぼう] /cold, catarrh/ 冒す [おかす] /take a risk, brave/ 冒される [おかされる] /be afflicted (by a disease)/ 是正 [ぜせい] /correct, rectify/ 是認 [ぜにん] /approve of, endorse/ 国是 [こくぜ] /national policy/ 是非 [ぜひ] /right or wrong, by all means, without fail/ 罷免 [ひめん] /dismiss/ 羅列 [られつ] /list, enumerate/ 網羅 [もうら] /include or contain everything, cover all (the facts)/ 羅針盤 [らしんばん] /(magnetic) compass/ 甲羅 [こうら] /shell, carapace/ 窃盗 [せっとう] /theft/ 窒息 [ちっそく] /be suffocated or asphyxiated/ 窒素 [ちっそ] /nitrogen/ 窮屈な [きゅうくつな] /narrow, tight/ 窮乏生活 [きゅうぼうせいかつ] /impoverished life, life of austerity/ 窮状 [きゅうじょう] /sorry plight, distress/ 困窮 [こんきゅう] /distress/ 窮極の [きゅうきょくの] /ultimate, final/ 窮める [きわめる] /carry to extremes, bring to an end/ 窮まる [きわまる] /reach an extreme, come to an end/ 蛍光灯 [けいこうとう] /flourescent lamp/ 蛍光塗料 [けいこうとりょう] /flourescent paint/ 蛍 [ほたる] /firefly/ 車掌 [しゃしょう] /(train) conductor/ 掌中 [しょうちゅう] /in one's hands/ 掌握 [しょうあく] /control, hold, come into power, command/ 職掌 [しょくしょう] /duties/ 分掌 [ぶんしょう] /share work or tasks/ 社会奉仕 [しゃかいほうし] /social services/ 信奉 [しんぽう] /believe in, follow, espouse/ 奉公人 [ほうこうにん] /servant of a family/ 奉納 [ほうのう] /dedicate or offer (to the gods, Buddha)/ 奉行 [ぶぎょう] /magistrate (in the Edo period)/ 奉る [たてまつる] /offer, present, revere (humble)/ 演奏 [えんそう] /musical performance; give a musical performance/ 合奏 [がっそう] /play in concert/ 伴奏 [ばんそう] /accopaniment (of a piano, guitar, etc.); play an accompaniment/ 奏でる [かなでる] /play (a string instrument)/ 安泰だ [あんたいだ] /be stable and secure/ 泰然と [たいぜんと] /composedly, calmly/ # end