# Kanji in Context Lesson 130 : 1681-1700 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 笛 [ふえ] /flute, whistle/ 口笛 [くちぶえ] /whistle/ 警笛 [けいてき] /warning horn, alarm whistle/ 汽笛 [きてき] /steam whistle/ 箇条書き [かじょうがき] /itemization/ 箇所 [かしょ] /place, part, point/ 危篤の [きとくの] /dangerously or hopelessly ill/ 篤実な [とくじつな] /sincere, faithful/ 篤志家 [とくしか] /supporter, volunteer/ 名簿 [めいぼ] /name roster, list of members/ 帳簿 [ちょうぼ] /account book/ 簿記 [ぼき] /bookkeeping/ 覇権 [はけん] /hegemony/ 覇者 [はしゃ] /champion, ruler/ 制覇 [せいは] /conquer, dominate, gain supremacy, win the championship/ 連覇 [れんば] /win the championship consecutively/ 覆う [おおう] /cover, conceal, spread over/ 覆い [おおい] /covering, cover/ 覆す [くつがえす] /overturn, overthrow/ 覆る [くつがえる] /be overturned or overthrown/ 覆面 [ふくめん] /(cloth) mask/ 転覆 [てんぷく] /overturn, capsize, overthrow/ 零細企業 [れいさいきぎょう] /small business/ 零下 [れいか] /below zero/ 零点 [れいてん] /zero (on a test)/ 零落 [れいらく] /(a family, etc.) fall to a low position, go down in the world/ 霊 [れい] /spirit, soul/ 霊魂 [れいこん] /spirit, soul/ 霊園 [れいえん] /cemetary/ 霊感 [れいかん] /inspiration, extrasensory perception of the supernatural/ 霊長類 [れいちょうるい] /primates/ 霊柩車 [れいきゅうしゃ] /hearse/ 幽霊 [ゆうれい] /ghost/ 悪霊 [あくりょう] /evil spirit/ 死霊 [しんりょう] /spirit of a dead person, ghost/ 御霊 [みたま] /the Holy Spirit/ 霜 [しも] /frost/ 初霜 [はつしも] /the first frost of the year/ 霜柱 [しもばしら] /frost columns/ 霜害 [そうがい] /frost damage/ 拝啓 [はいけい] /Dear Sir, Dear Madam (opening word for letters)/ 自己啓発 [じこけいはつ] /self-enlightenment/ 神の啓示 [かみのけいじ] /revelation (by God)/ 啓蒙 [きえもう] /enlighten/ 召集 [しょうしゅう] /summon, conscript, draft/ 召集令状 [しょうしゅうれいじょう] /draft notice/ 召喚 [しょうかん] /summon/ 召しあがる [めしあがる] /eat, drink (honorific)/ お召しになる [おめしになる] /wear, have (a cold) (honorific)/ 一塁 [いちるい] /first base/ 塁審 [るいしん] /base umpire/ 土塁 [どるい] /earthwork/ 塁 [るい] /fort, base (in baseball)/ 堕落 [だらく] /become depraved, fall into decadence/ 堕胎 [だたい] /abortion; have an abortion/ 塗る [ぬる] /paint/ ペンキ塗り立て [ペンキぬりたて] /freshly painted/ 塗料 [とりょう] /paints/ 塗装 [とそう] /coat with paint/ 塗布 [とふ] /apply (paint, ointment, etc.)/ 墨絵 [すみえ] /ink drawing/ 墨 [すみ] /Indian or Chinese ink, inkstick/ お墨付き [おすみつき] /approval from a superior or influential person/ 墨汁 [ぼくじゅう] /Indian or Chinese ink/ 墨守 [ぼくしゅ] /show strict adherence (to tradition, customs, etc.)/ 妄想 [もうそう] /wild fantasy, delusion; be deluded/ 妄信 [もうしん] /accept blindly/ 妄言 [もうげん] /reckless remark, thoughtless words/ 忌避 [きひ] /evade, shirk/ 禁忌 [きんき] /taboo/ 忌中 [きちゅう] /in mourning/ 忌む [いむ] /abhor, detest, have a taboo against/ 忌まわしい [いまわしい] /abominable, disgusting, offensive/ 怠慢 [たいまん] /negligence, neglect, procrastination/ 怠惰な [たいだな] /lazy, idle/ 怠ける [なまける] /be lazy or idle/ 怠け者 [なまけもの] /idler, lazybones/ 怠る [おこたる] /be negligent or idle, neglect/ 悠々と [ゆうゆうと] /composedly, slowly, calmly/ 悠然と [ゆうぜんと] /calmly, with perfect composure/ 悠長に [ゆうちょうに] /leisurely, slowly/ 悠久の [ゆうきゅうの] /eternal/ 愁い [うれい] /sorrow, sadness/ 愁える [うれえる] /lament/ 愁傷 [しゅうしょう] /grief, deep sorrow/ 哀愁 [あいしゅう] /sadness, sorrow/ 憂愁 [ゆうしゅう] /melancholy, gloom/ # end