# Kanji in Context Lesson 131 : 1701-1720 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 愚かな [おろかな] /foolish, stupid, silly, witless/ 愚問 [ぐもん] /stupid question/ 愚鈍な [ぐどんな] /stupid, silly/ 愚痴 [ぐち] /idle complaint, grumbling/ 慰める [なぐさめる] /console, comfort, amuse/ 慰め [なぐさめ] /consolation/ 慰む [なぐさむ] /amuse oneself, make a plaything of/ 慰み [なぐさみ] /diversion, amusement/ 慰謝料 [いしゃりょう] /consolation money, compensation, damages/ 慰労 [いろう] /acknowledge a person's services/ 慰留 [いりゅう] /persuade someone to stay in office, persuade someone not to resign/ 慰問 [いもん] /go to console/ 慰安旅行 [いあんりょこう] /entertainment trip by the members of an office/ 自慰行為 [じいこうい] /masturbation/ 懲役 [ちょうえき] /penal servitude, imprisonment/ 懲罰 [ちょうばつ] /punishment/ 懲戒免職 [ちょうかいめんしょく] /disciplinary dismissal/ 懲らしめる [こらしめる] /chastise, punish, correct, discipline/ 凝らす [こらす] /chastise, punish, correct, discipline/ 懲りる [こりる] /learn one's lesson/ 性懲りもなく [しょうこりもなく] /obstinately/ 十字架 [じゅうじか] /cross/ 書架 [しょか] /bookshelf, bookcase/ 架橋 [かきょう] /bridge construction/ 架線工事 [かせんこうじ] /wiring/ 架空の [かくうの] /fictitious, imaginary/ 架ける [かける] /construct or build (a bridge)/ 架かる [かかる] /be constructed or built/ 架け橋 [かけはし] /bridge, go-between/ 香水 [こうすい] /perfume, fragrance/ 線香 [せんこう] /incense stick, mosquito coil/ 香気 [こうき] /fragrance, perfume, aroma/ 香り [かおり] /scent, fragrance, odor, smell/ 香る [かおる] /smell sweet, be fragrant/ 色香 [いろか] /the charms of a woman/ 移り香 [うつりが] /lingering scent/ 香車 [きょうしゃ] /lance (in Japanese chess)/ 暫定予算 [ざんていよさん] /provisional budget/ 暫定政権 [ざんていせいけん] /provisional government/ 暫時 [ざんじ] /short while/ 脅迫 [きょうはく] /intimidate, threat/ 脅威 [きょうい] /threat, menace, danger to/ 脅す [おどす] /threaten, menace, intimidate/ 脅し [おどし] /threat, menace/ 脅かす [おどかす] /frighten, scare/ 脅かす [おびやかす] /threaten, menace/ 猛烈な [もうれつな] /fierce, intense, strong/ 壮烈な [そうれつな] /heroic, brave/ 烈風 [れっぷう] /strong wind, gale/ 烈火 [れっか] /raging fire/ 勲章 [くんしょう] /decoration, order, medal/ 叙勲式 [じょくしき] /decoration-conferring ceremony/ 勲功 [くんこう] /distinguished services/ 最高殊勲選手 [さいこうしゅくんせんしゅ] /most valuable player, MVP/ 薫製 [くんせい] /smoked product (such as smoked salmon, herring, etc.)/ 薫り [かおり] /scent, fragrance/ 薫る [かおる] /smell sweet, be fragrant/ 紫外線 [しがいせん] /ultraviolet rays/ 紫 [むらさき] /purple, violet/ 誓う [ちかう] /swear, promise, make an oath/ 誓い [ちかい] /oath, promise/ 誓約書 [せいやくしょ] /written oath/ 宣誓 [せんせい] /take an oath, pledge/ 名誉 [めいよ] /honor, reputation/ 栄誉 [えいよ] /honor, credit, distinction, glory/ 誉れ [ほまれ] /honor, credit/ 一貫性 [いっかんせい] /consistency/ 一貫性があれ [いっかんせいがある] /consistent/ 貫通 [かんつう] /pierce, pentrate, pass through/ 縦貫 [じゅうかん] /run right across, traverse the whole length/ 貫く [つらぬく] /pierce, penetrate, pass through, attain/ 意匠権 [いしょうけん] /design right/ 巨匠 [きょしょう] /great master/ 師匠 [ししょう] /master, teacher/ 匿名で [とくめいで] /anonymously/ 隠匿 [いんとく] /conceal, hide (stolen property, etc.)/ 囚人 [しゅうじん] /prisoner, convict/ 死刑囚 [しけいしゅう] /condemned criminal/ 閑静な [かんせいな] /quiet (neighborhood)/ 検閲 [けんえつ] /censor/ 校閲 [こうえつ] /read and correct, look over (a manuscript)/ 閲兵 [えっぺい] /inspect or review the troops/ 閲覧 [えつらん] /peruse, inspect, read/ 閲覧室 [えつらんしつ] /reading room/ 西暦 [れいれき] /the Christian Era, Anno Domini, A.D./ 太陽暦 [たいようれき] /the solar calendar/ 太陰暦 [たいいんれき] /the lunar calendar/ 新暦 [しんれき] /the new calendar, the solar calendar/ 旧暦 [きゅうれき] /the old calendar, the lunar calendar/ 還暦 [かんれき] /sixtieth birthday/ 暦 [こよみ] /calendar/ # end