# Kanji in Context Lesson 134 : 1761-1780 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 陰謀 [いんぼう] /conspiracy, intrigue, plot/ 謀略 [ぼうりゃく] /plot, scheme/ 首謀者 [しゅぼうしゃ] /ring leader/ 無謀な [むぼうな] /reckless, thoughtless/ 謀反 [むほん] /rebellion, insurrection/ 謀る [はかる] /attempt, plot, plan/ 又 [また] /moreover, again/ 又は [または] /or/ 双方向 [そうほうこう] /two-way (communication)/ 双方 [そうほう] /both parties, both sides/ 双子 [ふたご] /twin(s)/ 双葉 [ふたば] /seed leaf, bud/ 貞操 [ていそう] /chastity, virtue, honor/ 貞節 [ていせつ] /chastity, faith/ 貞淑な [ていしゅくな] /chaste, virtuous/ 偵察 [ていさつ] /reconnoiter, scout/ 探偵 [たんてい] /detective/ 内偵 [ないてい] /make private inquiries/ 叔父 [おじ] /uncle/ 叔母 [おば] /aunt/ 伯叔 [はくしゅく] /uncles/ 貞淑な [ていしゅくな] /chaste, virtuous/ 淑女 [しゅくじょ] /lady/ 私淑 [ししゅく] /look up to or model oneself after a person (though not directly studying under that person)/ 朱色 [しゅいろ] /vermillion, cinnabar, red/ 朱肉 [しゅにく] /vermillion inkpad/ 朱塗の [しゅぬりの] /painted in vermillion/ 真珠 [しんじゅ] /pearl/ 珠玉 [しゅぎょく] /pearls and jewels, excellent or precious works/ 珠算 [しゅざん] /calculation on an abacus/ 数珠 [じゅず] /(Buddhist) rosary/ 卑屈な [ひくつな] /mean, inferior, poor/ 卑近な例 [ひきんなれい] /familiar example/ 卑下 [ひげ] /humble oneself/ 卑劣な [ひれつな] /sneak, mean, unfair/ 卑怯な [ひきょうな] /unfair, cowardly/ 卑猥な [ひわいな] /obscene, indecent/ 卑しい身分 [いやしいみぶん] /low (social) status or class/ 卑しむべき [いやしむべき] /contemptible/ 卑しめる [いやしめる] /despise, condemn, scorn, look down on/ 記念碑 [きねんひ] /monument/ 石碑 [せきひ] /stone monument/ 碑文 [ひぶん] /inscription (on a stone monument), epitaph/ 碑銘 [ひめい] /epitaph/ 享受 [きょうじゅ] /enjoy, have, be given/ 享有 [きょうゆう] /be given (talent, etc.) by nature/ 享楽 [きょうらく] /enjoyment/ 享楽主義 [きょうらくしゅぎ] /epicurism, hedonism/ 輪郭 [りんかく] /outline/ 外郭団体 [がいかくだんたい] /goverment-related institution/ 城郭 [じょうかく] /castle/ かみそりの刃 [かみそりのは] /razor blade/ 刃物 [はもの] /cutlery, knives/ 両刃の [りょうばの] /double-edged (blade)/ 白刃 [はくじん] /blade/ 自刃 [じじん] /commit suicide with a sword/ 凶刃 [きょうじん] /a knife or other bladed weapon used to kill a person/ 忍耐 [にんたい] /perseverance, patience, endurance: persevere, be patient, endure/ 残忍な [ざんにんな] /cruel, merciless/ 忍者 [にんじゃ] /ninja, spy warrior in feudal times/ 忍ぶ [しのぶ] /bear, stand, endure/ 忍び足 [しのびあし] /stealthy steps/ 声を忍ばせる [こえをしのばせる] /lower one's voice/ 滋養強壮 [じようきょうそう] /nutrition and health/ 滋味 [じみ] /tastiness, delicacy/ 滋賀県 [しがけん] /Shiga Prefecture/ 磁石 [じしゃく] /magnet, compass/ 磁気 [じき] /magnetism/ 磁器 [じき] /ceramics/ 陶磁器 [とうじき] /ceramic ware/ 慈悲 [じひ] /mercy, charity/ 慈愛 [じあい] /affection, love/ 慈善事業 [じぜんじぎょう] /relief or charitable work/ 慈しむ [いつくしむ] /love, be tender/ 慈しみ [いつくしみ] /love, affection/ 一斉に [いっせいに] /all together, simultaneously, all at once/ 斉唱 [せいしょう] /sing in chorus/ 洗剤 [せんざい] /detergent/ 錠剤 [じょうざい] /pill, tablet/ 消化剤 [しょうかざい] /digestive/ 薬剤師 [やくざいし] /pharmacist/ # end