# Kanji in Context Lesson 135 : 1781-1800 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 書斎 [しょさい] /study, library/ 斎場 [さいじょう] /funeral hall/ 農耕 [のうこう] /farming/ 耕地 [こうち] /arable or cultivated land/ 耕作 [こうさく] /farm, till/ 耕す [たがやす] /till, plow, cultivate/ 消耗 [しょうもう] /consume or exhaust (energy)/ 摩耗 [まもう] /wear out/ 心神耗弱 [しんしんこうじゃく] /weakening of the mind and body/ 石垣 [いしがき] /stone wall/ 垣根 [かきね] /hedge, fence, boundary/ 恒久の [こうきゅうの] /permanent, eternal/ 恒例 [こうれい] /usual practice, established custom/ 恒常的に [こうじょうてきに] /constantly/ 巧妙な [こうみょうな] /clever, skillful/ 巧拙 [こうせつ] /skill, dexterity/ 技巧 [ぎこう] /technique, art/ 巧みに [たくみに] /skillfully, cleverly, ingeniously/ 不朽の名作 [ふきゅうのめいさく] /immortal work/ 老朽化 [ろうきゅうか] /get old, become decrepit/ 朽ちる [くちる] /rot, decay, crumble/ 朽木 [くちき] /decayed tree, rotten wood/ 童謡 [どうよう] /children's song/ 民謡 [みんよう] /folk song/ 歌謡曲 [かようきょく] /popular song/ 謡曲 [ようきょく] /Noh song or chant/ 謡 [うたい] /Noh chanting/ 謡う [うたう] /sing without accompaniment, chant/ 揺りかご [ゆりかご] /cradle/ 揺れる [ゆれる] /shake away, vibrate/ 揺れ [ゆれ] /shaking, tremor, jolting/ 揺する [ゆする] /shake/ 揺さぶる [ゆさぶる] /shake, rock/ 揺すぶる [ゆすぶる] /shake, rock/ 揺らぐ [ゆらぐ] /shake/ 揺るぐ [ゆるぐ] /shake, sway/ 揺るぎない [ゆるぎない] /unshakable/ 動揺 [どうよう] /waver, be disturbed/ 凝視 [ぎょうし] /gaze, stare/ 凝固 [ぎょうこ] /congeal, solidify/ 凝結 [ぎょうけつ] /congeal, solidify, freeze/ 凝る [こる] /grow stiff, clot, be particularly interested/ 凝り性 [こりしょう] /fastidious, single-minded/ 目を凝らす [めをこらす] /look hard/ 擬人法 [ぎじんほう] /personification/ 擬声語 [ぎせいご] /onomatopoeic word/ 擬態語 [ぎたいご] /mimesis, mimetic word/ 擬態 [ぎたい] /mimesis/ 擬装 [ぎそう] /camouflage, disguise/ 模擬テスト [もぎテスト] /practice (entrance) examination/ 随行 [ずいこう] /accompany, follow, attend/ 随員 [ずいいん] /attendant, member of an entourage/ 随時 [ずいじ] /any time, all times/ 随想録 [ずいそうろく] /jottings, (occasional) essays/ 随筆 [ずいひつ] /essay/ 随分 [ずいぶん] fairly/ 言語随伴行動 [げんごずいはんこうどう] /language-accompanying behavior/ 追随 [ついずい] /catch up, follow/ 随意筋 [ずいいきん] /voluntary muscle/ 骨髄 [こつずい] /marrow/ 脳髄 [のうずい] /brains/ 延髄 [えんずい] /nerve bulb/ 心髄 [しんずい] /essence, soul/ 唇 [くちびる] /lip/ 口唇 [こうしん] /lip/ 屈辱 [くつじょく] /humiliation, disgrace/ 恥辱 [ちじょく] /disgrace, dishonor, shame/ 雪辱を果たす [せつじょくをはたす] /avenge and insult, have one's revenge/ 侮辱 [ぶじょく] /insult, put to shame, disgrace/ 辱める [はずかしめる] /humiliate, disgrace, violate, rape/ 辱め [はずかしめ] /humiliation, disgrace/ 紙幣 [しへい] /paper money, bill/ 貨幣 [かへい] /currency, money, coin/ 造幣局 [ぞうへいきょく] /mint, the Mint Bureau/ 弊害 [へいがい] /ill effects, evil/ 疲弊 [ひへい] /become impoverished or exhausted/ 旧弊 [きゅうへい] /old evil, conventional bad practices/ 弊社 [へいしゃ] /our company (humble)/ 開墾 [かいこん] /cultivate, reclaim (land)/ 懇親会 [こんしんかい] /friendship party, social gathering/ 懇談会 [こんだんかい] /informal talk (with the prime minister, etc.)/ 懇切丁寧に [こんせつていねいに] /kindly and thoroughly/ 懇ろに [ねんごろに] /intimately, courteously/ 敏感な [びんかんな] /sensitive/ 敏速に [びんそくに] /promptly, quickly/ 機敏な [きびんな] /swift, quick/ 鋭敏な [えいびんな] /sharp, sensitive/ # end