# Kanji in Context Lesson 138 : 1833-1850 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 菊 [きく] /chrysanthemum/ 白菊 [しらぎく] /white chrysanthemum/ 芋 [いも] /potato, sweet potato/ 焼き芋 [やきいも] /roasted sweet potato/ 里芋 [さといも] /taro/ 芽が出る [めがでる] /bud, sprout/ 芽 [め] /bud, sprout/ 新芽 [しんめ] /bud, sprout/ 発芽 [はつが] /germinate, bud/ 麦芽 [ばくが] /malt/ 茎 [くき] /stalk, stem/ 歯茎 [はぐき] /gums/ 地下茎 [ちかけい] /underground or subterranean stem/ 苗 [なえ] /seedling, sapling, shoot/ 苗木 [なえぎ] /sapling, young tree/ 苗代 [なわしろ] /rice nursery/ 種苗 [しゅびょう] /seeds and saplings/ 薪 [たきぎ] /firewood/ 薪能 [たきぎのう] /Noh performance beside a fire/ 薪炭 [しんたん] /firewood and charcoal, winter fuel/ 薪水 [しんすい] /firewood and water/ 藻 [も] /waterweed, seaweed/ 海藻 [かいそう] /seaweed/ 藻類 [そうるい] /water weeds, seaweed/ 茂み [しげみ] /bush, thicket/ 茂る [しげる] /grow thickly or luxuriantly/ 繁茂 [はんも] /grow thickly or luxuriantly/ 滝 [たき] /waterfall/ 滝壷 [たきつぼ] /waterfall basin/ 沼 [ぬま] /swamp, marsh, bog/ 沼地 [ぬまち] /marshland/ 湖沼 [こしょう] /lakes and marshes/ 沼沢地 [しょうたくち] /marshland, swampy area/ 渓谷 [けいこく] /(steep-walled) valley, ravine, canyon/ 渓流 [けいりゅう] /mountain stream or torrent/ 雪渓 [せっけい] /snowy valley or ravine/ 洞察力 [どうさつりょく] /insight, discernment/ 空洞 [くうどう] /hollow, cave/ 洞穴 [どうけつ] /cave/ 洞窟 [どうくつ] /cave, cavern/ 浅瀬 [あさせ] /shallows, shoal/ 瀬 [せ] /rapids, shallows, shoal/ 立つ瀬がない [たつせがない] /be put in an awkward position/ 瀬戸物 [せともの] /porcelain, china/ 三浦半島 [みうらはんとう] /Mirua Peninsula/ 浦 [うら] /inlet, shore, bay/ 津々浦々 [つつうらうら] /throughout the country, far and wide/ 曲浦 [きょくほ] /bay with a winding shore/ 新潟 [にいがた] /Niigata/ 干潟 [ひがた] /tideland, tidal flats/ 峰 [みね] /peak, summit, top/ 後立山連峰 [うしろたてやまれんぽう] /the Ushirotateyama Mountains/ 霊峰 [れいほう] /sacred mountain/ 峠 [とうげ] /mountain pass, height/ 峠を越す [とうげをこす] /cross a ridge, pass the critical point, be over the hump/ 岬 [みさき] /cape/ # end