# Kanji in Context Lesson 139 : 1851-1867 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 山岳地帯 [さんがくちたい] /mountainous region/ 岳父 [がくふ] /the father of one's wife/ 北岳 [きただけ] /Kitadake (a peak in the Southern Alps)/ 堤防 [ていぼう] /bank, embankment, dike, levee/ 防波堤 [ぼうはてい] /breakwater, seawall/ 堤 [つつみ] /bank, embankment, dike/ 街路樹 [がいろじゅ] /roadside trees/ 果樹園 [かじゅえん] /orchard/ 樹木 [じゅもく] /trees/ 樹林帯 [じゅりんたい] /forest/ 樹立 [じゅりつ] /establish or set (a record, etc.)/ 柳 [やなぎ] /willow/ 川柳 [せんりゅう] /senryu (satirical poems or witticism written in verse)/ 花柳界 [かりゅうかい] /the world of geisha/ 桑 [くわ] /mulberry/ 桑畑 [くわばたけ] /mulberry field/ 桑園 [そうえん] /mulberry plantation/ 穂 [ほ] /ear, head, spike/ 稲穂 [いなほ] /ear of a rice plant/ 錘状の [すいじょうの] /ear-shaped/ 湖畔 [こはん] /lakeside/ 暁 [あかつき] /daybreak, dawn/ 早暁 [そうぎょう] /early dawn/ 昆虫 [こんちゅう] /insect/ 昆布 [こんぶ] /sea tangle, kelp/ 蚊 [か] /mosquito/ 蛇 [へび] /snake/ 大蛇 [だいじゃ] /huge serpent/ 蛇腹 [じゃばら] /cornice, bellows/ 蛇口 [じゃぐち] /faucet, tap/ 蛇行 [だこう] /wind its way (through), meander/ 長蛇の列 [ちょうだのれつ] /long line or queue/ 蛇足 [だそく] /superfluity, redundancy/ 鳥の巣 [とりのす] /bird nest/ 巣箱 [すばこ] /birdhouse, beehive/ 巣立つ [すだつ] /leave the nest, make one's own start in life/ 卵巣 [らんそう] /ovary/ 病巣 [びょうそう] /focus/ 鶏 [にわとり] /chicken, hen, cock, rooster/ 鶏卵 [けいらん] /(hen's) egg/ 養鶏場 [ようけいじょう] /poultry or chicken farm/ 闘鶏 [とうけい] /cockfight/ 野獣 [やじゅう] /wild beast/ 猛獣 [もうじゅう] /fierce animal/ 鳥獣 [ちょうじゅう] /birds and beasts/ 珍獣 [ちんじゅう] /rare animal/ 獣 [けもの] /animal, beast/ 猿 [さる] /monkey, ape/ 野猿 [やえん] /wild monkey/ 類人猿 [るいじんえん] /anthropoid/ 犬猿の仲 [けんえんのなか] /be like cats and dogs, be on bad terms/ 蚕 [かいこ] /silkworm/ 養蚕業 [ようさんぎょう] /silk industry/ 蚕糸 [さんし] /silk thread/ 蚕食 [さんしょく] /encroach, make inroads/ 竜 [りゅう] /dragon/ 竜頭蛇尾 [りゅうとうだび] /bright beginning and dull ending/ 竜巻 [たつまき] /torando/ # end