# Kanji in Context Lesson 141 : 1891-1907 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 儒教 [じゅきょう] /Confucianism/ 儒学 [じゅがく] /Confucianism/ 儒者 [じゅしゃ] /Confucian/ 軍艦 [ぐんかん] /warship/ 戦艦 [せんかん] /warship/ 艦隊 [かんたい] /fleet, armada/ 艦艇 [かんてい] /naval vessels/ 租税 [そぜい] /taxes/ 統帥権 [とうすいけん] /prerogative of supreme command/ 総帥 [そうすい] /commander/ 元帥 [げんすい] /marshal/ 勅語 [ちょくご] /imperial rescript/ 勅使 [ちょくし] /imperial envoy/ 勅令 [ちょくれい] /imperial degree/ 詔勅 [しょうちょく] /imperial edict or proclamation or rescript/ 変遷 [へんせん] /change, transition; change/ 遷都 [せんと] /transfer of the capital; transfer the capital/ 恩赦 [おんしゃ] /pardon, amnesty/ 大赦 [たいしゃ] /amnesty, general amnesty/ 赦免 [しゃめん] /pardon, remit a punishment, let someone off/ 賜る [たまわる] /be give, be honored with/ 下賜 [かし] /give (honorific)/ 恩賜 [おんし] /gift from the emporer/ 拝謁 [はいえつ] /have an audience (with a noble person)/ 謁見 [えっけん] /have an audience (with a noble person)/ 謁する [えっする] /have an audience (with a noble person)/ 窯業 [ようぎょう] /pottery industry/ 窯 [かま] /kiln/ 戯曲 [ぎきょく] /drama, play/ 戯れる [たわむれる] /play, tease, joke, flirt/ 戯れ [たわむれ] /play, joke, fun, flirtation/ 戯作 [げさく] /popular or lowbrow literature in the Edo period/ 老婆 [ろうば] /old woman/ 産婆 [さんば] /midwife/ お婆さん [おばあさん] /old woman/ 韻 [いん] /rhyme/ 韻律 [いんりつ] /meter, rhythm/ 韻文 [いんぶん] /verse/ 音韻 [おんいん] /phoneme/ 吟味 [ぎんみ] /select with care, examine, inquire into/ 詩吟 [しぎん] /recitation or chanting of a Chinese poam/ 吟詠 [ぎんえい] /recite or chant a Chinese poem/ 詠嘆の声 [えいたんのこえ] /voice of admiration/ 朗詠 [ろうえい] /recite, chant (a poem)/ 詠む [よむ] /recite, chant (a poem)/ 琴 [こと] /koto (Japanese zither-like instrument)/ 木琴 [もっきん] /xylophone/ 心の琴線 [こころのきんせん] /one's heartstrings/ 宵 [よい] /early evening/ 徹宵 [てっしょう] /overnight/ # end