# Kanji in Context Lesson 142 : 1908-1930 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 乙 [おつ] /B/ 乙種 [おつしゅ] /B rank/ 甲乙つけがたい [こうおつつけがたい] /be difficult to distinguish which is better/ 乙女 [おとめ] /maiden, (young) girl, virgin/ 丙 [へい] /C/ 丙種 [へいしゅ] /C rank/ ~厘 [~りん] /~rin (0.1 percent)/ 一万円 [いちまんえん] /ten thousand yen/ 弐万円 [にまんえん] /twenty thousand yen/ ~坪 [~つぼ] /~tsubo (unit of area, approximately 3.3m^2)/ 坪数 [つぼすう] /acerage, area/ 建坪 [たてつぼ] /floor space/ ~斤 [~きん] /~kin (unit of weight, approximately 600 g.)/ ~升 [~しょう] /~sho (unit of capacity, approximately 1.8 l)/ 升 [ます] /measure, box (seat)/ 升目 [ますめ] /measure/ ~匁 [~もんめ] /~monme (unit of weight, approximately 3.75 g.)/ ~勺 [~しゃく] /~shaku (unit of capacity, approximately 818 ml)/ 駐屯 [ちゅうとん] /be stationed/ 駐屯地 [ちゅうとんち] /post, army post, garrison/ ~隻 [~せき] /(counter for ships)/ ~斗 [~と] /~to (unit of capacity, approximately 18 l)/ 北斗七星 [ほくとしちせい] /the Big Dippler/ 凸レンズ [とつレンズ] /convex lens/ 凹レンズ [おうレンズ] /concave lens/ 凹凸 [おうとつ] /unevenness, ruggedness, irregularity/ 凸凹 [でこぼこ] /unevenness, ruggedness, irregularity/ 但し [ただし] /but, however/ 但し書き [ただしがき] /proviso/ 且 [かつ] /moreover, besides/ 威嚇 [いかく] /menace, threat/ 隆起 [りゅうき] /rise, bulge, be elevated/ 興隆 [こうりゅう] /rise, prosper, flourish/ 隆盛 [りゅうせい] /prosperity/ 膨脹剤 [ぼうちょうざい] /inflating agent/ 炭坑 [たんこう] /coal mine/ 坑道 [こうどう] /(coal) pit/ 廃鉱 [はいこう] /abandoned mine/ 呉服 [ごふく] /kimono/ 呉服店 [ごふくてん] /kimono fabric shop/ 呉越同舟 [ごえつどうしゅう] /bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat/ 競艇 [きょうてい] /motorboat race/ 艦艇 [かんてい] /naval vessels/ # end