# Kanji in Context Lesson 143 : 1931-1947 # by Koichi Nishiguchi, Tamaki Kono, ISBN 4-7890-0753-7 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 佳作 [かさく] /honorable mention, fine work/ 佳人 [かじん] /beautiful woman/ 天然痘 [てんねんとう] /smallpox/ 種痘 [しゅとう] /vaccination/ 法曹界 [ほうそうかい] /the judicial world/ 軍曹 [ぐんそう] /sergeant/ 恭順 [きょうじゅん] /submission, obedience/ 恭しく [うやうやしく] /respectfully, reverently/ 詔書 [しょうしょ] /imperial edict/ 詔勅 [しょうちょく] /imperial edict or proclamation or rescript/ 詔 [みことのり] /imperial edict/ 褒める [ほめる] /praise/ 褒美 [ほうび] /prize, reward/ 謄写版 [とうしゃばん] /mimeograph/ 戸籍謄本 [こせきとうほん] /certified copy of one's family register/ 朕 [ちん] /I (traditionally used by the emporer)/ 畝 [うね] /ridge/ ~畝 [~せ] /~se (unit of area, approximately 0.091 a)/ 老翁 [ろうおう] /old man/ 逓減 [ていげん] /decrease gradually, diminish successively/ 逓信省 [ていしんしょう] /Communication Ministry (of the prewar Japanese government)/ 紡錘 [ぼうすい] /spindle/ 錘 [つむ] /spindle/ 銑鉄 [せんてつ] /pig iron/ 可塑性 [かそせい] /plasticity/ 塑像 [そぞう] /plastic image, clay figure or statue/ 彫塑 [ちょうそ] /carvings and sculptures/ 虞 [おそれ] /fear, anxiety/ 繭 [まゆ] /cocoon/ 繭糸 [けんし] /silk thread/ 国璽 [こくじ] /seal of state/ 御璽 [ぎょじ] /imperial seal/ # end