# Minna no Nihongo I, Lesson 020 # ISBN 4-88319-102-8 # Version 1.0 # Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) 要ります [いります] /need, require/ ビザが要ります [ビザがいります] /need, require a visa/ 調べます [しらべます] /check, investigate/ 直します [なおします] /repair, correct/ 修理します [しゅうりします] /repair/ 電話します [でんわします] /to phone/ 僕 [ぼく] /I (an infomal equivalent of watshi used by men)/ 君 [きみ] /you (an informal equivalent of anata used by men)/ ~君 [~くん] /Mr. (an informal equivalent of ~san used by men)/ うん [うん] /yes (an informal equivalent of hai)/ ううん [ううん] /no (an informal equivalent of iie)/ サラレーマン [サラレーマン] /salaried worker, office worker/ ことば [ことば] /word, language/ 物価 [ぶっか] /commodity prices/ 着物 [きもの] /kimono (traditional Japanese attire)/ ビサ [ビザ] /visa/ 初め [はじめ] /the beginning/ 終わり [おわり] /the end/ こっち [こっち] /this way, this place (an informal equivalent of kochira)/ そっち [そっち] /this way, that place (an informal equivalent of sochira)/ あっち [あっち] /this way, that place over there (an informal equivalent of achira)/ どっち [どっち] /which one (between two things), which way, where (an informal equivalent of dochira)/ あの間 [あのあいだ] /the other day/ みんなで [みんなで] /all together/ ~けど [~けど ~] /but (an infomal equivalent of ga)/ 国へ帰るの [くにへかえるの] /Are you going back to your country?/ どうするの [どうするの] /What will you do?/ どうしようかな [どうしようかな] /What shall I do?/ よかったら [よかったら] /if you like/ いろいろ [いろいろ] /various/ #end