# Cambridge Latin Course, Unit 1, Stage 11 # by Ed Phinney et al, ISBN 0521343798 # Version 1.0 by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) candidātus : candidate favent : favor, give support to dīves : rich vir nōbilis : man of noble birth crēdunt : trust, have faith in sibi dīxit : said to himself gēns nostra : our family rem cōgitābat : was considering the problem scrīptor : sign-writer cōnsilium cēpit : had an idea mūrum : wall scrībe! : write! titulum : advertisement, slogan placetne tibi? : does it suit you? scrīpsit : wrote asinus : ass, donkey senior : the older ērāde! : erase! īnscrīptiōnem : writing ērāsit : erased dēsistite! : stop! intrō īte! : go inside! rem cōnfēcit : finished the job tertium : third addidit : added līberālissimī : very generous babae! : hey! quō? : where? fautōrēs : supporters quīnque : five prōmīsit : promised tantum : only mendācissimus : very deceitful convenīmus : gather, meet ōrātiōnēs : speeches mēcum : with me dē tē : about you perīculōsam : dangerous suscipis : you are undertaking exeunt : they go out dīvīsor : distributer (hired to distribute bribes at elections) festīnāte! : hurry! amīcissimī : very friendly, very good friends tacē! : shut up!, be quiet! ūtilissimī : very useful caudex : blockhead, idiot scissa : torn rapuērunt : seized, grabbed auxilium : help effūgit : escaped # end