# Ecce Romani Student's Book 1 - Meeting the Family - Chapter 12 # Longman Publishing, ISBN 0-582-36664-X # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) nam : for inveniō, invenīre : to find reprehendō, reprendere : to blame, scold bonus : good convocō, convocāre : to call together rogō, rogāre : to ask vīnea, -ae, f. : vineyard fossa, -ae, f. : ditch canis, canis, c. : dog ferō, ferre : to bring, carry olfaciō, olfacere : to catch the scent of, smell mox : soon cum : with lātrō, lātrāre : to bark vestīgia : tracks, footprints, traces tamen : however immōbilis : motionless tunicā : by the tunic trahō, trahere : to drag in fronte litterās inūrere : to brand the letters on the forehead # end