# Ecce Romani Student's Book 3 and 4 - Chapter 37 # Longman Publishing, ISBN 0-8013-0440-7# Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) fīnem recitandī fēcit : (he) stopped reciting verbum, -ī, n. : word, verb idem ac : the same as sīc : in this way comes, comitis, m/f. : companion Carthāgō, Carthāginis, f. : Carthage antequam : before Thrācia, -ae, f. : Thrace Dēlos, Dēlī, f. : Delos Crēta, -ae, f. : Crete nusquam : nowhere moneō : to avise, warn praeter : (+A) except dormitō : to be sleepy interest : it is important ferula, -ae, f. : cane pāreō : (+D) to obey conticēscō, conticēscere, conticuī : to become silent animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversum : to notice expergīscor, expergīscī, experrēctus sum : to wake up, awaken extendō, extendere, extendī, extentum : to hold out Mantua, -ae, f. : Mantua spetentriōnālis, -is, -e : northern Cremōna, -ae, f. : Cremona fundus, -ī, m. : farm Mediolānum, -ī, n. : Milan paucī, -ae, -a : few litterae, -ārum, fpl. : letters, literature lingua, -ae, f. : tongue, language studeō : (+D) to study migrō : to move one’s house Horātius, -ī, m. : Horace aegrōtō : to be ill īnfirmā ... valētūdine : in poor health rediēns : returning in terram ēgressus : having disembarked aeger, aegra, aegrum : ill Neāpolis, -is, f. : Naples nāscor, nāscī, nātus sum : to be born morior, morī, mortuus sum : to die sepeliō, sepelīre, sepelīvī, sepultum : to bury # end