# Ecce Romani Student's Book 3 and 4 - Chapter 53 # Longman Publishing, ISBN 0-8013-0440-7# Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) lēvis, -is, -e : smooth coxa, -ae, f. : hipbone est arcessendus : must be sent for febris, febris, f. : fever morbus, -ī, m. : illness fūnebris, -is, -e : funeral familiāres, familiārium, mpl. : close friends commemorō : to mention, comment on, recount merita cōnferre : to render services (to) Via Flāminia : road from Rome through Campus Martia to Ariminum hilaris, -is, -e : cheerful hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum : to encourage, urge frangō, frangere, frēgī, frāctum : to break ingravēscō, ingravēscere : to grow worse extruō, exstruere, exstrūxī, exstrūctum : to build # end