# Liturgical Latin - Lesson 19 # by Wilfrid Diamond, 1941 # Version 1.0 by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) quis : anyone (m. or f.) áliquis : some one (m. or f.) quísquam : any one (m. or f.) quíspiam : someone (m. or f.) quisque : each (m. or f.) quid : anything (neuter) áliquid : some thing (neuter) quidam : anything (neuter) quídpiam : something (neuter) quidque : each (neuter) quivis : anyone you wish (masc) quílibet : anyone you wish (masc) quidam : a certain person (masc) quaevis : anyone you wish (fem) quaélibet : anyone you wish (fem) quaedam : a certain person (fem) quidvis : anything you wish (neut) quídlibet : anything you wish (neut) quidam : a certain thing (neut) nolíte : do not judicáre : to judge cantáre : to sing méreor, méritus sum : deserve enim : for judícium : judgement laetor, laetus sum : rejoice credo, crédere, crédidi, créditum : believe óffero, offérre, óbtuli, oblátum : offer díligo, dilígere, diléxi, diléctum : love répleo, replévi, replétum : fill multiplicáre : to multiply superexaltáre : to exalt above all juráre : to swear vóluit : he wished vocáre : to summon, to invite loquéntium : of those speaking obstrúctum est : is stopped sermo, sermónis : word impérium : empire fecit : made magnitúdo, magnitúdinis : greatness salvus : saved póterit : will be able vero : but, indeed, truly os, oris, n. : mouth fidéliter : faithfully virtus, virtútis : courage, (pl.) hosts opus, óperis, n. : work finis, is : end caena : super laus, laudis : praise tota die : all the day conspéctus : presence quia : because, that nisi : unless fírmiter : firmly quam : which iníquus : wicked exaltáre : be thou exalted judicáre : to judge gloriári : to glory veníre : to come scriptum est : it is written generátio, ónis : generation liberéntur : may be delivered dispérsa sunt : are scattered orbis terrae : the world illuxérunt : have shone forth aéquitas, tátis : equity dominábitur : he shall rule poeníteo, ui : grieve commóveo, commóvi, commótum : move repéllo, repúli, repúlsum : cast off incédo, incéssi, incéssum : go afflígo, afflíxi, afflíctum : afflict consólor : comfort córrigo, corréxi, corréctum : correct laetáre : to rejoice conturbáre : to disquiet liber : book fecit : made étenim : for salus, salútis : salvation dilécti : chosen (people) usque ad : as far as fulgur, fúlguris, n. : lightning os, ossis, n. : bone Sion : Sion quare : why? báculus : staff virga : rod sicut : like tribus : tribe términus : end dum : while gens, gentis : Gentile flumen, flúminis : river mare, maris, n. : sea # end