# Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata - Capitulum 14 # by Hans H. Ørberg, ISBN 1585102385 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) gallus, -ī, m. : cock, rooster vestīmentum, -ī, n. : garment, clothing tunica, -ae, f. : tunic toga, -ae, f. : toga calceus, -ī, m. : shoe parentēs, -um, mpl. : parents tabula, -ae, f. : writing-tablet stilus, -ī, m. : stylus rēgula, -ae, f. : ruler rēs, reī, f. : thing, matter, affair apertus, -a, -um : open clausus, -a, -um : closed, shut sordidus, -a, -um : dirty, mean, base pūrus, -a, -um : clean, pure nūdus, -a, -um : naked togātus, -a, -um : wearing the toga dexter, -tra, -trum : right sinister, -tra, -trum : left omnis, -e : all, every cubāre, cubuisse, cubitum : lie (in bed) vigilāre : be awake valēre : be strong, be well excitāre : wake up, arouse surgere, surrēxisse : rise, get up afferre attulisse allātum : bring (to, forward, about) lavāre, lāvisse, lautum : wash, bathe mergere, -sisse, -sum : dip, plunge, sink solēre, solitum esse : be accustomed frīgēre : be cold poscere, poposcisse : demand, call for vestīre : dress induere, induisse, indūtum : put on (clothes) gerere, gessisse, gestum : carry, wear, carry on, do inquit, inquiunt : (he/she) says/said uterque utraque, utrumque : each of the two, both neuter, neutra, neutrum : neither alter, altera, alterum : one, the other, second uter, utra, utrum : which (of the two) mihi : to me tibi : to you mēcum : with me tēcum : with you sēcum : with him, her, it nihil : nothing quōmodo : how hodiē : today adhūc : so far, till now, still prīmum : first deinde : afterward, then praeter : past, besides, except an : or valē : farewell, goodbye participium, -ī, n. : participle # end