# Oxford Latin Course, Part 1 - Chapter 08 # by Maurice Balme and James Morwood, ISBN 978-0-19-521550-2 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) possum, posse : I can, I am able exspectō, -āre : I wait for servō, -āre : I save tīmeō, -ēre : I fear, I am afraid reddō, -ere : I return, give back relinquō, -ere : I leave behind vertō, -ere : I turn conīciō, -ere : I hurl circum : round ē/ex : out of, from hasta, -ae, f. : spear porta, -ae, f. : gate mūrus, -ī, m. : wall māter, mātris, f. : mother mors, mortis, f. : death mortuus, -a, -um : dead sōlus, -a, -um : alone terrītus, -a, -um : terrified incolumis, incolume : safe, unharmed bene : well hīc : here hūc : (to) here, hither -que : and lūget : mourns vindicāre : take vengence on extrā mūrōs : outside the walls obīre : go to meet ōrat : beseeches, begs nōn vult : refuses claudite : close! invītiī : unwitting(ly) propius : near tergum : back ter : three times sē vertit : he turns around vītat : avoids Achillis parman : Achilles’ shield percutit : strikes summā vī : with all his might volat : flies auram : air trānsfīgit : pierces dīrum facinus : a terrible deed currum : chariot alligat : ties trahit : drags dēsiste : cease from! nōbis : to us iacentem : lying uxor : wife nox : night Graecōrum : of the Greeks deus : god vigilēs : watchman, guards Achillis tabernāculum : Achilles’ tent prōcumbit : he bows down ōrō : I beg misericordiā : by pity commōtus est : he is moved tollit : raises, lifts up # end